Howdy, I just worked already a bit upfront, just to relieve myself from too much to do before I go on holiday. In other words, I have the girls and a boy compi already ready. I had to think immediately about Bobbie (on the pic). She was the bass player of Claw Boys Claw and every boy was in love with her at that time. A friend of mine even wrote her a love letter. So that was a girl that drove every boy mad, big brown eyes and playing bass, gee what can man wish more. Anyway, all the other girls on the CD are not like Bobbie, some walk away from you, others are disliked by the community, some sing pretty and slow but none plays bass... But the boy on it, girls, you better beware of him.
That's all there is to reveal right now! Just wait for July! Join in for more girls to listen to if you like, if not that's okay as well.
in my high skool all the boys were in love with michelle may of the make up, another beutiful burnette bass player. i too have finished 'some girls and a boy' i wanted to get it to you before you head off to iste. also i needed something to do. when do you leave, so i can get it out to you!
i really like doing cd's were i reserch a musicain, band, or genre. and i'd like to do some of this on the next cds. i'm not saying we all should, or that we need a theme everytime. but we could have themes if we want. but comming up i want to do an early punk cd, maybe a metal history cd for cydde, and also send some bootleg live cds from bands i like. maybe we could pick up on a theme when leo gets back in september. or for oct. or everyone can do reserch style cds if you want too. but i know i'm a nerd who likes this stuff, and others might not. it's up to you guys.
i love the idea of leo and wife siging along to duets! i'm a duet fan myself. i haven't got cydde's cd yet, but it sounds good!
oh no! cydde! did i accidently shrink the jet image? i didn't mean to. i have no idea how i shrank it. i was looking around the admin, and then when i looked at the page i swear the jet used to be bigger. maybe i'm going crazy.
i'm leaving on July 24, so that looks like a long time but when the kids have vacation it's kind of busy here. But I would like to take some girls with me on the trip!
I do like the idea to look at another way to the themes. Early punk sounds okay (isn't recently an early Louisville punk sampler out?). I would love to get a early metal compi (unfortunatley there was a moment in time where I sold all my hardrock stuff...so I don't have a lot of it). There are so many ways we can go into. Personally I don't have to stick with themes, we can explore everyting, I'll eat!
And the jet is smaller indeed!
i have no idea how i shrank the jet! sorry! maybe since we can't put pics in our comments, we could frenquently change that one with pics we want to share? there is an early louisville punk cd out, i don't have it though. the guys who run that label live way out on the edge of town, and i don't think i've ever met them.
i don't have much metal myself, i have friends i've asked, but they haven't seemed to get anywhere yet.
i put up a pic of michelle may, from the make up. i loved that band, and had a big crush on her. when you added the pic of bobbie i imeadatly thought of her. both burnettes, brown eyes, they even look similar. i felt bad taking off the jet pic, i loved it. i just wanted to show this pic, you can put it back up. i figured when we want to show pics without making an all new post, we can put it there. and lots of jets! why do you and mum like jets?
that is a very cool and eerie new photo john - yours that is! it's like you're a ghost, what sort of trick did you use? i meant to say a while ago i think it's a great idea to use the blog photo to put different ones up. i can look at the jets anytime! actually i will quickly change it for an even better one but please put michelle back on when you've had a look. leo probably hasn't even been on to see her!
not really sure why mum and i are into jets (and planes generally). mum traces it back to when she was growing up in a rural area and the crop dusting planes used to fly low - might explain a few things!! this was the 50s by the way. i'm not a nerd when it comes to knowing their specs or anything (!) but there is something very exhilarating about them - they make your heart beat much faster. i like that! i am otherwise a bit of a hippie so you could say i'm a walking paradox.
i had two questions - the first is whether we should be expecting a covers disc from teeny? secondly, can i just confirm that the girls & boy compo is songs with girls names, rather than songs BY women??
i am just listening to your covers john. its funny to remember devo's cover of satisfaction - i always get vivid mental images of their film clips for some reason. just to the mack - you got the kudos! actually it makes me think i'd like to just hear your voice speaking with no music john - a bit like leo in the interview though i couldn't understand fully what you were saying!
i wouldn't have picked you for a prince fan by the way! he's one artist i have never quite grasped (actually there's probably a number of such people). though in this song it's as though he's paying tribute to another age of music anyway, almost like a generic cover. when much younger, as australian kids, we really weren't exposed to a lot of musical diversity. i have fond memories of a lot of aust music from the 80s (and course, the gratuitous acca dacca - AC/DC) but not a lot outside the big bands that 'exported' here who i didn't like really.
whoops, this is a bit long for a blog so will come back later!
early prince is very prolific, pasley parkpurple rain, around the world in a day. he recorded, produced, sang and played every instroment on all all his records.
on louisvilleisforlovers.com one of our live shows is avialable for free download, it's got some great songs, and on there you can here me talk. but, oh, do i hate hearing it, ofcorse i don't think i sound that way!
i guess teeny is sending a cd. i don't know, i hope our club isn't dwindling down to 3. i guess i need to find some possible worldly members.
i have no idea how you found out we can put pics below too! you are a genius! jets! and nice job on the new michelle mae pic! i almost put that one up at first!
my new pic is a long exposure, i stood there for a moment and then walked away so i look like a ghost. boo!
oh, yes the 'girls' compo is songs named after girls. (and possibly songs that say girl's names in the lyrics) they can be written by anyone. and per your request a song about a boy, although i'm having trouble with that one, that maybe just for the girls.
i just got a new computer so i'm in the middle of transering everything, all my mixes, and yours are on the old comp. i hope to get all that together soon so i can send my cds and listen to yours.
gee, if you don't look everyday here, you miss a lot. Michelle Mae looks good John!
I received Teeny's package and the tracklist looks promising! (if your listening, thanks Teeny!!) I haven't had the time to listen to it yet. I finally got my Bonnie record in yesterday as well, so that was in the player last night. Sounds quite light at first spin but there's a lot under the surface I have yet to discover.
Love the jet pic! Keep on posting them, I haven't seen jets fly over my house since a long time.
just listened to the 'john king interview' - its funny to recognise your speaking voice from your singing voice! and i had no idea native kentuckians said louisville the way the woman said it. i don't think i could even imitate it properly. and if you listen to tamara dearing's live version of give it away, the way she sings 'give it away' almost sounds australian! hee hee.
now i'm off for the next two days to melbourne then sydney so leo it will quieten down a bit from my neck of the woods! now that i know, i will expect to see teeny's disc when i get back.
love the bmw pic by the way! another little one?
by the way, in the girls & boy compo i will definitely burn a couple of the home-shot jet vids to the disc for you guys. i won't give it away but think of 'flying over house' and a little bit of shocked/gratuitous swearing...
i got teeny's and cyddes cds too. i havent yet heard it either. iv'e been in the recording studio. i forget how much i love recording! i havent recorded in a studio in a year! yuck! my new years resolution is to record every chance i get!
iv'e been cleaning up and rearranging the louisvilleisforlovers.com site and could use some critiquing. if you guys have any ideas i would appreciate it.
wow i hope the recording is going well. will it be for a dedicated album? i can't wait to hear some of it, and glad to know it has been flowing john.
i'll go over now and check out the site, back here with comments if it needs any!
i like it john, lots. you know i never had a problem with it but that's not at all helpful. let us know if you want us to contribute anything, not quite sure what we could do - but i reckon leo has pulling power! like an endorsement!!
so honestly i still like the clean lines and simplicity of the website, and it's all intuitive to navigate. looks like there might be a bit of interest in getting a blog going on the site itself, though i guess people can leave comments if they wish. i feel compelled to promote it. might send the link onto some friends who i expect could contribute financially by purchasing!
Heya, sorry about my absence. Hanneke drove our car to kingdom come so it was busy to check out what to do with insurances and so. She's alright but the car is total loss... But not like the car crash of Cydde's pic, gladly!
Love your motorbike John!!
And I can still find my way on the LIFL site. That's not the comment that helps, but on the other hand, it's just how it is. I like it as it is, keep it up!
What are you recording John? You make me curious, give us a little hint!
man, thats bad news about the car. i hope Hanneke isn't too upset.
iv'e been recording some bowie covers for the ziggy stardust cd. i love recording. when i'm lucky (like now) i get my favorite musicians to record with. everyone brings new prespectives and ideas, i'm very excited. this time i'm recording with musicans from these local bands: the slow break, iamis, buffalo bill.
as for my page, for the life of me i can never get the 'photos' page right. i just can't get the pics to line up right.
i wonder if there is any other information or anything i should add to the page. iv'e been looking at other small label pages to see what they have, and it looks like i'm on the right track. kill rock stars is almost just like mine, except mine actually seems easier to get around.
i just want to make sure it looks professional, and reliable. i get about 100 visits a day, but nobody leaves comments so i don't know what they think or what they like. i only get about 3 orders a month right now, so i wonder if there's anything i can do to drum it up some. i know i need to link up with more music pages and other sites like mine.
i'm glad you like the parcel rack cydde. it's my only way to move stuff and groceries and laundry. it's kinda a pain sometimes but i love my bike!
just a quick response now as i'm about to run out of battery. but i reckon it'd be good to get some testimony or something on there. i have no doubt that if people were led to believe they need the music (which they do, though course we'd love to keep you and louisville to ourselves) then you'd be swamped with requests. i'll try and help to build a bit more of an australian support for lifl!
leo, that's bad news about hanneke having an accident though good to hear she's okay. i hope it hasn't put a hold on your holiday plans. the burnt wreckage in the photo i posted was out in the 'mountains' around here, on a back road. just hoons (young idiots) who stole the car, thrashed it, trashed it and torched it. it was interesting to see it set against the rural/natural backdrop. might change the pic though, it's kinda weird karma...
Hey, here's the pic of the ruined car...looks not too bad but the damage is around 10000 euro....
Our holiday plans may change a bit but we haven't decided yet how we change them.
what a bummer leo - that's a lot of money to repair, would it be about the same to buy a new car? looks like it might have done quite a bit of damage to the engine block and probably the structural integrity.
We have to buy a new car. It's declared total loss by the insurance company and we get the day value back and we have to pump in some more money to buy another one. That's the risk of driving a car I guess...It gives a lot of freedom but can be a lot of trouble too.
atleast you have insurance. maybe you can take a train to italia. i took one from utrect to veince. it was nice, took 12 hrs though. i did stop in geneva for an hour or 2 to visit the u.n. i;m a fan of the u.n. i have a pic of me someplace standing there with a u.n. soldier.
a 'testimony' page could be good. i have links to reviews in the news notes, but i guess i could have a page with quotes from good reviews on it. i'll get one up. any other ideas? ilove ur cds u guys. i guess i need to mail this months on monday for any chance to get it to leo by the 24th.
slick shirt!!!
hey guys! what have u guys been up to? i have completly gotten obsessed after cydde sugessted a testimonials page for the site. and for the last 5 days i have totally reworked the site. i added a testimonials page a new photos page, and redone everything else. i think if more people signed the guestbook, the more other poeple would be comfortable signing and talking and discussing on there. so i am wondering if you guys wouldn't mind signing and maybe adding a comment about the site to maybe stimulate others to do so? www.louisvilleisforlovers.com/content/guest-book
and to also help get people excited, i am having a sale through the end of july: buy 2 cds get a 3rd free, if you know anyone who would be into that, i'd appreciate help spreading the word!
and if you can think of any other suggestions let me know! thanx!
this weekend i'm recording the ziggy track in the studio. we've been practicing this week and it sounds great! i think it's got the band excited in doing some originals. that would be rad!
excellent to hear john! figured i'd give you a bit of space in the creative phase you're having! i'll head over after this and post on the guest book, only hope it doesn't sound too stoopid!
i am thrilled to hear you're all thinking of doing some originals, i really hope it works out. as you know i can't wait to hear more.
just back - nice work john! i love the picture they had of you in the leo weekly review of 07! hee hee.
also, is there a way you can remove cora's message off the guest book, that is if you want to? the karma feels weird posting to it when that's there. but i'll do it anyway.
ha hee. everytime i look at the guestbook i freekout and try to read it without seeing her name, and i end up looking directly at it. i do need to figure out how to erase it. i am very honored and humbles by your kind words, thank you so much. i have been recording and having a great time. i thought of you while doing my vocals! i made sure to take in your suggestions and try not to be atonal, and not too low, and let my accent reign free! i am very excited about this recording, i feel like it's the best stuff iv'e done. it is very much in line with sleep sleep though, but i think you'll enjoy it anyway.
well it's very interesting you say that about the form your new music is in. i have listened (not deliberately) to a number of the songs on my mp3 player and each time i listen to songs like sleep sleep i get a different feeling to what i sent you. i think in some ways i put others above that song because of the inexplicable emotions i got from listening to them (especially when it's time for a change and the things you say). but i'm finding new experiences when i listen to the others without comparison (in their own right).
and i have to say (as i think i said then) that it all has to be what you're happy with - and you sound happy with it which is the best thing ever!
i am very excited. i wish i had a dedicated band and a studio on call so i could do this and feel this way all the time. i wish you could hear the scratch tracks and let know what you think. but i guess we'll both have to wait untill it's all done and ready!
i haven't heard from leo, i guess he's on holiday already. it's hot as hell here, i wish i was somewhere where it is wintertime!
do you really wish you were this side of the globe in the cold? had to pour water over the car windows to get through the ice this morning! with my sister here next week we will be seeking out snow so i'll be sure to send a photo or two through to help cool your mind.
the agony! i wish i could hear the results of the recording too... for now i guess i'll just have to dream of it, anticipate it. i do have to admit to really wanting to put a gallery singers album in the player and listen to song after song.
i figured leo must have gone too - he did say they were looking at doing something different since the car was totalled, and perhaps the outcome was something they had to pounce on.
speaking of europe and cold weather, i watched winter sleepers the other evening (an early tom tykwer film that preceded run lola run). i'd recommend watching that if you feel like getting cold for a couple of hours.
anyway, at work with a bit to do before i'm off on leave. i'm not going too far away and have the mobile internet anyway, so won't go incommunicado! course i still have to talk about the july compo which has taken me longer to do thanks mostly to work. boy it's a good excuse aint it! i don't feel so bad though given that i haven't received any from you guys yet.
ha ha! i finished my "several girls and a boy" on july 2nd, and just now sent it out today! albeit with last minute changes and add ins. i think i got way to metaphorical with mine, but i had a great time doing it! i will add in my usual essay tonite or tomorow, so if your interested it'll be there when the cd arrives (i did expedite it on a faster track than usual).
you won't believe how often i wish there was a gallery singers record. i have written 4, recorded zero. i talk about it alot, i need to buckle down and do it i think. but for the first time i have a group of people ready to play. only the magnificent celoist lives in texas, and is only here for another few weeks. but we are talking about recording on a mac program that we can send to each other online. so's i can lay down some stuff and send it through the air and he can catch it in texas and lay down some grooves and send it back. it's better than nothin. and he (only being 19) is a genius.
i have been wanting to put together a 'decade of the gallery' compilation. i think you have most of it already though cydde. there are several songs that were only released in hidden cds and bonus discs for differnt things. a cover of cheap trick's 'he's a whore' in a 2002 hidden disc and an alternate version of 'when it's time for a change' on a cd single for vol.4. have you heard those tracks? i will try to find if not. i think u'll enjoy the alternate of 'when it's" it was recorded at the same time as the one on the record, though it's very different.
and there's others that i can't remember and some songs never released. i wish i had kept better records of these things.
i think it's kinda weird that leo just dissapeared like that. i hope all is well and he is just busy having fun with his family. hopefully he'll drop a note (and a vacation photo!) soon.
and you too! once you and sis get to play in the snow! i do wish i was there on the aussie mountian side with you and the sis! it's a misserable mess here! i lay in bed with a fan in bed with me 2 feet from my face and the cat between me and the fan! i need some air conditioning in this mug!
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