Just a funny pic from a video shoot we did a while ago; check out the result here:
Just a little adverticing....
Just a little adverticing....
damn it didn't work again...I'm a complete dork in this kind of publishing.
ah, it works now, forgot to agree with certain conditions...
good job! it's awesome! it reminds me of that western nick cave directed. it was a great movie, was the name of it?
p.s. you look good leo. what was the video for? t.v. program?
The Proposition, done with waz from dirty three i think. both seem to come from rural Victoria - i never knew that nick cave was born and lived in warracknabeal, a tiny town i drive very near and see signs for on the way through between here and adelaide by car - very isolated but beautiful country! i'd attach a photo if i could work out how to do so in a comment (without making a new post)...
by the way leo i will have to look at the vid when i get home, got tons of work but i love the photo anyway... i'm impressed you are doing music videos!
It was shot by a friend of our violinplayer (the one with the pickaxe). He studys at the film academy. So it was good for both the band and him, he did it as part of his study. It might not go further than youtube and it was once shown at a small festival.
And just to make sure, I am the one on the right side of the pic.
p.s. i really dig this leo sunrise. i should have mentioned it long ago. sorry.
fun fact:if i tried to dig a whole to china from kentucky, i'd end up in.....Austrailla!! look out cydde!
how the bloody hell did you work that out john? it probably helps to have a globe you can spin around and draw an imaginary line right through the middle. i'd never thought where the exact opposite point on the world is from here. impulse buying: time to find a globe and look! you might end up in a range of places you'd never really wanna be john! did you guys get the movie wolf creek?
there was a t.v. show by that name for awhile but i never saw it. i think it had lou dimond philips and maybe was about warewolves? i remember my dad telling me as a kid that i would end up in austrialla and not china when i was digging in the back yard. and looking at the map know (yes i have a world map in my room) the exact oppisite of here is infact there (top left to bottom right)!! leo would get damn close to china i think!
cydde from addalade i think you might end up somewhere around the kodiak islands. i have a friend who lives there. beautiful sparcely populated area. it's the closest part of the u.s.a to russia (only maybe 50 miles!). in the 30's before the cold war the 2 nations were making plans to dig a tunnel to connect the u.s. and the soviet union. how awesome would that be to drive from the u.s. straight into siberia!
well john, i went into a shop in the mall just to look at the globes... realised i didn't have to buy one, just stand there spinning it round. australia is definitely the closest landmass if you went right through from kentucky but i reckon you'd be over on the west coast. for us here on the east coast it's almost like another country anyway cos it takes at least 5 hours to get there by plane. i think you can get to south africa from western australia (perth) in about the same time as it takes to get here on the same continent!
time wise i have worked out that we are 14 hours ahead of you john, and 8 hours ahead of leo. right now it's 8am in louisville and 2pm in the netherlands! 10pm here.
the kodiak islands just makes me think of kodiak bears. i need to see more of the world! maybe i should start with a map of the world in my room...
and wolf creek the movie is set in outback australia about a psycho who preys on backpackers travelling up through the centre of the country and more in the middle of nowhere than you can get. i haven't seen it but it's apparently pretty gruesome and makes you never want to backpack or basically travel anywhere off the beaten track again!
all lou diamond philips makes me think of is young guns (ergo, bon jovi!), and that linked back to something i was going to say - that leo in the photo made me think of kiefer sutherland in the same movie!! i hope that's not offensive to you leo!!! ha ha ha.
if i got into a car and drove north i would be in canada in 5 1/2 hours. but it would take 12 hours to drive to the east coast and 3 days to get to the west.
i just remembered i do have a globe! it's been rolling around the floor in the music room. i love maps. i need a u.s. map so i can day dream about a big motorcycle trip. i always wanted to plan a road trip based on the mail orders iv'e gotten over the last 9 years. people from towns iv'e never heard of have ordered cds, and i'd drive from town to town. iv'e dreamt of this for years.
i like leo's suit too. the video is good. i love the violist's dress and hat. so leo you were passed out on the ground drunk when the caravan found you?
i just realized that the t.v. show was called wolf shadows and was set on a wolf creek. i read about the wolf creak movie, it's said that it's one of the goriest movies ever and was based on a true story from texas. america is the leader in serial killers. i never figured out why. i think becouse there is a lot of presure to blend in here and not to make a fuss. if your concidered differnt in some places you could get in some trouble.
i'm done with my covers cd, and i'm pretty proud of it. although i keep thinking of covers i wish i'd put on there. there's always next time...
cydde, i realized you didn't have admin status on here, so now you do. i tried to find something to allow us to add html on coments but to no avial. feel free anybody to go into admin and do what ever you like including changing the layout, or anything.
i wondered why i could see a little pencil when i hadn't noticed it before, thanks john! i won't fuck with it too much, if at all!
i think you should do your motorcycle trip - you could record it anyway you want, in photos, writing songs, video, drawing. i reckon now would be a perfect time too.
i didn't know you were that far from the east coast, it looks close on maps! from canberra where i am it only takes about 2 hours to get to the nearest coastline. canberra is the only major 'city' in australia that isn't on the coast itself. you either have your cities being the main 8 (that's even debatable!) and then i think the next biggest 'region' with a town that services it would be around 200,000 people. boy, starting to feel quite isolated here!
hang on, just noticed your new photo john, have to post now and go look at it (course i've had a few bevs again)...
that'd better be completely fake john! does it say 3d?
jeez, this is the third time i try to post a comment. nothing important but annoying that it doesn't come through. Anyway, I'm afraid of dogs too and i have driven a motorcycle too but had to sell it a couple of years ago. I also finished my compi and i'm glad with it as well. I just ran out of paper so i have to get some tomorrow. It's now sunday night 23.06. grumfp frustrating posting
John, what's that on that pic? Are you in a movie as well, or did something went wrong in the kitchen?
that was my 30th birthday photo. on my birthday every yeard in louisville we ahve a big zombie festival. it's lots of fun and totaly nuts. it's called LOUISVILLE ZOMBIE ATTACK
and last year for my 30th i took that pic as part of the press release photo thing. it's all stage blood. fake, but funny. i ereased most of my pics recently so i don't have a lot to choose from.
is there a problem with the comments thing? and cydde feel free to mess with it all you want! you too leo! go nuts gang!
i forgot to mail the cds today, but i'll express mail them tomorow. and i gotta get teeny to join in here some!
p.s. i'm a motorcycle nut!! i love it, i'd die if i couldn't ride anymore!
here i put up a new pic! it's me on the ferris wheel in chicago. i think most cities sit on a body of water. here we are located on the banks of the mighty ohio river! i live 2 blocks from the river and yet i rarley go there. some nights i take the motorcycle on the road that runs parellel to the river and just ride for hours and get lost in my head.
Ha cool pic! I put another one on as well. From the time that I was still mean and lean. 1991 playing my ass off with the Love Bombers.
i love both images boys - you leo in the love bombers and john lost on his bike. you're both so rock! i was going to ask whether it was a zombie thing, partly because it was in my head as in melbourne there was some zombie gang taking over the streets. being such a fan of zombies as you obviously are, what did you make of 'shaun of the dead'?
Wow, such a zombie festival must be totally great! I think we don't know such festivals overhere. But, as mostly we might take it over from the US in a couple of years! We always stay a bit behind here.
How's that for Australia? Are those zombie gangs real gangs dressed up as zombies or is it part of a festival too?
we're way behind leo, though i don't know if zombie gatherings are the main measure of that! as far as i know the thing in melbourne was something from a facebook group. i would expect europe to lead with very odd things. but really over this way, people follow, they don't lead.
not true! austraillia is the product of both nick cave and the bad seeds, as well as mad max!
has lots of pics and vids of the event.
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