is coke zero avialable where you are? by god it's hot as hell in kentucky these days. wich is why i am really enjoying the snow theme these days. i am really amazed that austraillia gets that wintery. i realized that when using safari browser i couldn't upload pics. cydde, i've sent invites to 3 email adresses that i think are yours. i'd really like for you to be able to post on here. i think we can change it so anybody can post, but i don't know if were asking for trouble that way. i made this post becouse i have nothing to do today, and also i'd like to hear about will o's new lp. i really don't know much. i saw a little blurb in the weekly mag here. suprizingly there wasn't much hub-bub about it. i know he releases alot of "minor" lp's and then sometimes he'll have a big release. leo, you might might know whats up. and also what do you think about 'ziggy stardust'
happy weekend gang!
p.s.-cydde i finally replied to you on the 'flagship' post.
-and leo, i really like the idea of a cd with girl names on it. being boys, maybe it helps. what do the girls think?
The invite worked john, i am finally and properly here!
Coke zero yes, but i don't think i've ever tried it. if i do drink coke it's the hardcore original version. it helps that i'm not addicted to it i guess, otherwise i'd have no teeth.
i have to admit that the photo on my profile is actually in new zealand late last year, and it was the first time i'd ever seen snow falling. but i have been to the snow about 200km south of here.
the new bpb album i have had a cursory listen to. it often takes me some time to get into it. pitchfork rated it very highly and suggested it was the natural follow-up to darkness of 99 - and that i think they meant to say it's the 'good twin' of that album. i think i stopped thinking of will o outputs as albums or not. for instance, i love the things that have been put out that weren't really releases, like little lost blues.
i like both the ziggy stardust idea for the lifl compo, and i also like the idea for girls names. as it happens i listen to very little music sung by women, and not a lot of music sung by men about men. so it works for me. a point of clarification though - can the girls' names be IN the song, not just in the title?
Yes, Cydde is here too! Welcome!
Coke Zero, yes we have that here too, it's Coke Light for men, not?
I think I'm the only guy in the world that hasn't heard the Bonnie album yet. I ordered it at Drag City (i had to order something else that I couldn't find here so I thought I could make a combi order) but I think they made some mistake. Or it is lost in the post. There has to be a first time for everything.
I hear various reactions, mostly that the lyrics are more to the point and that the songs are more towards country music.
Hey, I can't find anymore what was ziggy stardust about and I can't remember it either, can someone fresh up my memory?
helloooooo leo!
i was just listening to the bonny album again. it's rare that the first listen gets me in. but it's already becoming more familiar. it is rather country moreso than other work has been. it will definitely grow in attachment i think. two songs especially are right along the lines of john's second cd. maybe he and will talked?! but more upbeat too as a whole. it's a very warm album.
wasn't ziggy stardust a sort of rock opera in a sense that it was a story from start to finish in an album? my recollection also stems to the campest version of david bowie, his spiky mullet and major tom. is that what you mean leo?
ignore the major tom bit, that was some cross-pollination dredging back memory of mum playing bowie records 25 years ago!!
Hmm, this is complicated. I wondered what John meant by ziggy stardust. So John, can you bring some light here?
after the "louisville babylon" series came out, there was a lot of interest in doing other covers compilations, so in response i'm releasing ziggy stardust from start to finish by louisville bands. wax fang has already finshed a brilliant version of 'suffergate city"
cydde, ziggy stardust is a concept album, where david bowie sings about a fictional carictor, ziggy, who becomes a rock star and lets the fame go to his head. after that he released "aliaden sane" wich is rummored to be the album ziggy wrote. suposidly bowie became so wrapped up in it, that he thought he was ziggy and his friends had to have an intervention to get him to admit he wasn't ziggy, and that ziggy was only a made up carictor. there is a documentory about this time called "ziggy stardust:the motion picture"
also, i like the idea that the girls name doesn't have to be the title as long as it's mentioned in the song. as it happens i don't listen to a lot of female artists either. i talk about this a lot with people. the majority of music is men. and some how a lot of girl music doesn't apeal to me. it can't be that girls don't articulate emotions as well, or that boys are better musicians. what is it? maybe the drive to put yourself out there, and be in the public eye is more of a man's trait.
and leo your right, coke zero is totaly the diet coke for men! cora got me drinking it, i don't anymore. what do you tink about the ziggy idea?
p.s. i hope everyone knows that you guys can post new posts whenever you like! and upload unrelated pics of yourself, so i don't look like a self absorbed moop!
ah, that sounds like a good idea, this ziggy stardust cover album! Of course I know the album, the movie I would love to see!
I have about the same with girl music, but I can't explain it either. Maybe it's just because there are relatilvely less women making music?
Women of the world take over!
oh, i love that song. "women of the world take over" by jim o'rourke. what album is that on?
it may be paternalistic, but as a woman it might be that we like to hear men singing to us and amongst themselves (in love, in pain, in camaraderie and in battle). though in a slightly bisexual way we really appreciate women who can sing well. honestly i think it might be something to do with tones and what makes the chemicals go off in your brain and body. don't know what that says for you boys though!!!
i think thats the most brillant answer i've heard to this!
it's true that i do feel a comradreie or at least a sense of support in songs that i relate too.
haha wonderful! I think us boys couldn't have come up with that comment.
But I think that men listen to menmade music because they are unable to express themselves in a proper way. And so they're glad there are other men who can do that for them. So we boys recognize and understand what they say.
Well, sometimes we understand.
Does it make some sense?
Women of the World is actually a cover song! The original is from Ivor Cutler.
that makes tons of sense! you've put into words what i was thinking but could never articulate. and cydde gave me the point of view from the woemns perspective i needed. i totaly listen to songs and say, "that's exactly how i feel"
and can also see how women want to here men saying to them what they are thinking.
at least i hope so. when i write songs i imagine the girl in mind hearing it. like 'sleep prety face' i imagined teeny laying in bed in her attic flat trying hard to sleep after a rough day.
i heard that song playing somewhew the other day and forgot it was mine for a minute, and thought "i know this song....oh, it's mine!"
i also get a lot of relation to the songs that men sing though, which i reckon means that a lot of feelings and perspectives are universal and do transcend gender. great, now i have a depeche mode song in my head...
as for you hearing your own song john, i can only imagine how odd that must have been. closest i got was recently being on radio for my work, which just doesn't cut it!
i do totaly get that universal understanding. but, and i know this is sexest, i don't think most dudes could get and identify with a majority of girl singers. i totaly feel that way with cat power a lot of times, especially her self deprevity on songs like "good woman" and "metal heart" and when nina simone sings about being totally alone like 'if i should lose you' or "i got it bad"
i do really like your picture.
i keep telling myself i will update my profile on here all the time w/ new pics and tid bit info. i think your giving me the motivation i need!
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