cover yourself-june 2008 international cd swap
i'd normally add all this in the cd package but my printer id dead, hopefully by next time i'll be all set!
cd 1 cover yourself
1.let's spend the night together- david bowie "aladdin sane" (rolling stones)
2.(i can't get no) satisfaction- devo "are we not men?" (rolling stones)
3.stuck in the metal -eagles of death metal "peace love death metal" ("stuck in the middle" -steelers wheel) light -the mack w/ teneia sanders "louisville is for lovers live 2008(unreleased)" (greatful dead)
5. kiss the bottle -lucero "dreaming in america" (jawbreaker) come u don't call me anymore -prince "b-side of '1999' 7 inch" (original)
7. blood and tears -gallery singers/my morning jacket "louisville babylon 2007 (hidden track)" (danzig)
8.angel of the morning -merrilee rush and the turnabouts "1967 single" (original)
9.thirteen -elliott smith "b sides and other songs" (big star)
10.halloween -wax fang "louisville babylon 2007" (misfits)
i added 2 originals in wich the cover was more popular and the origonal is lesser known. christine is a juice newten fan, and i thought she would like to here this original. i love this merrilee song. a girl put this on a mixed tape for me once, and when i'd leave her home in the early morning and be deliriously driving home as the sun came up i would play this song and sing it aloud in the car.
and the prince song was made popular by alesha keys. i think keys a great song writer/musician and like her cover of this track, but 'how come u don't call me anymore' is my favorite prince song ever, and i am a huge fan! rachel grimes and i were working on a cover of this song awhile back and one nite i walked out to the corner to get a coke, and a car pulled up blairing key's cover, it just came out and i didn't know any thing about it. i was crushed.
i also added two tracks from a cd i released, and i think you guys might already have it, but the other day i played some wax fang and forgot how great this cover is. and the collaberation with me and my morning jacket might seem weird, but i only sang on it and love the music, and the slash guitar solos. and hidden tracks are always fun.
cd 2
baby huey -the baby huey story
1. listen to me (m. johnson)
2.mama get yourself together (origonal-huey)
3.a change is gonna come (sam cooke)
4.mighty mighty (mayfeild)
5.hard times (mayfield)
6.california dreamin' (mamma's and pappas)
7.running (philips) dragon two dragon (origonal-huey)
this baby huey collection is all the songs he recorded before he died of a herion overdose at 26. he was signed to cutis mayfield's label a year before he died, i think '72 maybe. most of the songs are mayfield covers, and a few others including the mama's and the papa's hit california dreamin, and sam cooke's legendary a change is gonna come. and just 2 originals.
he was thought to become a great singer but died before he finished his first lp.
but what i really love is his arrangments. his take on these songs are brilliant. he was a gifted composer. he deffinatly made these songs his own. dang drugs.
the title of this post is a link to more info on baby huey:
it's a great article, and worth reading.
how long has that jet plane been there? that's awesome!
teeny has already gotten my covers cds, so leo and cydde you guys should get yours soon. the post office said 5 - 10 days. it's been 5 already but i think they are lying and it takes alonger than 10 days. maybe not. since hank hasn't replied or made any contact i've taken him off the list. wich is too bad becouse i loved his contributions. i'm hopping we can find another person. let me know when you get your cds!
i put the plane up a few days ago. though it's a tool of war, i just can't help myself (get it from my mum). next disc, if you're into it, i'll burn a vid or two to the july swap!
i continue to send discs to hank, so should i drop him off next round? i thought he was just going to be quiet a while without his own music.
will let you know when they arrive!
Heya, can't wait for your contributions to fall on my doormat! I did send Hank a copy with a note how things are going there. I hope he reacts.
talking about covers; check this out:
It got on-line today. I'm quite happy with them, what do you think about it overthere?
The Gun Club cover is on the upcoming cover CD as well, a slightly different mix though.
And John, your CD's came just in and right it's David Bowie I'm hearing! Stunning version and a good start of the CD!!
i started looking at the vids in that link leo and am rather awed. you guys are fabulous and i love that you covered depeche mode in a way i'd never thought possible. wish i understood dutch but it's great seeing you in 'real life'!
i also received your discs and cannot wait to get home to put them on the stereo. based on what you've said about them, i will listen to the original set first. i really can't wait to hear the ace of spades! have to say the closest i've come there is singing along on the playstation karaoke and it's fecking hard to sing like lemmy originally did!
also your inclusion of bpb's cover of the world's greatest reminded me of watching r kelly's internet series - trapped in the closet. it was so funny.
what your effort here shows to me though is just how fantastically reverential you are to all that has come before you - and how much justice you do it all. like louisville babylon john. i therefore expect you to react in disdain to some of the songs i included without knowing the originals! hanging head in shame now - ha ha.
John, love your CD's! Is that you singing on Blood and Tears? Man, that's great! The track stood out for me on the CD and than I vaguely remembered you wrote something above here. I love it! I also love the Prince song a lot.
And to be a bit irritating; angel of the morning is first done by Evie Sands. Just a year before Merrilee Rush. This is a beautiful version though, didn't know this one.
The Baby Huey story is anotther discovery, thanks for that too. I'm totally into him, never heard of the guy. Your CD came here a bit damaged so my track 4&5 don't play well :(
Cydde, thanks for your kind words about our covers!
And you don't have to know the originals to like the coverversions, so don't worry about any disdain. I'm just too obsessed with it (is that a boys thing, being obsessed with such futilities?) That can be annoying too. You make me curious about your choice now for sure. I will hunt for the originals I'm afraid...
well i listened to both yours last night leo. i had in my mind to do similar to you and track down the originals, but by the time i even got round to doing the first disc it felt like it would be too late to find them.
you know i think you would be really good at doing a disc where we would pick one song each and find as many covers as we could of it! while good in theory, i would really suck at that!
maybe it is a boys thing. i've never really thought that hard about it. maybe it's just a person-to-person thing. while i am sure there are some really hard-core women who would be a match for you, i expect there are naturally just a lot more men who connect to that part of things. it's interesting because in many other areas of my life, i have a huge attention to detail. i'd never thought consciously that it didn't extend to this!
so as for yours, i was blown away. some i liked the original more. and i have to say i really liked the ace of spades cover - and i'm trying to think why you were worried about john's reaction! it's not really bluegrass, but certainly is quite different to the original. in most ways though it stays very true to it.
still no sign of yours john. they must be sending it through the middle of the earth!
oh, i've been away for just a couple days, and i have missed out on so much! but i'm back now!
i too have just recieved and put in leo's cd just now (covers first).
after several days hidden i only had 2 pieces of mail, the other being a bill.
-i had a professor in high skool that played master's of war in class to provoke talk about protest in america, and it turned out to be a talk about if bob dylan was a sell out or not.
i don't know why i remember that.
i certainly didn't mean to sugest that we should cut off hank, i just decided too untill he pops back up. he hasn't replyed to anything in quite awhile so i figured he's lost inerest.
-into the groove is very interesting. i give it a check plus.
also i'm very perturbed that your cds got fucked up leo. (i hope yours isn't destroyed cydde) this is only the second time this has happened in 9 years of mailing cds. i should have better packaged the cds. i could email you those 2 tracks. they are worth having. or i could send them later. i'm glad you like it. teeny didn't. she told me she listened to the first song and took the cd out. the first track is not the best song to introduce this man to unsuspecting listeners. it was featured on curtus blow's history of rap compilation (which is a brillant box set).
- bpb, iv'e never heard this track b4, i am very impressed! check plus plus.
i have never seen trapped in the closet, but a couple years ago in the bar i work at, there was a 'trapped in the closet' costume party. i got cought up on the story, as much as one can i guess. i like when artists can make light of themselves (kelly and billy in this sense). my morning jacket does a good job of it too. they did a good cover of erica budoh's tyrone. (i know my spelling is nuts, sorry).
- who is thid david thomson person? i like the song it sounds like he recorded it with a dic-a-phone wrapped around his neck.
-your band's song just came on, and agian i am taken aback by your talent. another check plus plus!
so i'm embaressed that i didn't know of the marelle cover. did you know this, or look it up? i had no idea. now i have to find the original. yes, cydde, i too am like leo. i must know! i know girls who are sort of like this, but not totaly obsessed. if i did i think i'd fall in love. it's like seeing a cute girl at a sci-fi con. i'm glad you like blood and tears. it's one of the only songs of mine that i can listen to without cringing. it makes sense that it's a cover!!
it was the very first time the 5 of us had ever been in the same room together! we all listened to the origonal at home and showed up and hit it. really i can't take much credit, the band is a rad bunch of rockers.
-ace of spades. yeah, i can't really get into it. i always get a feeling that they are mocking the origonal when blue grass bands cover rock songs. but i grew up in the middle of bg music, and i think it's like people who went to catholic skools and grew up to hate conventional religon. does that even make sense?
-king me is good! i have heard the name, but can't remember anything about them. i feel like a hypicryte about what i said about bg now, becouse i think this somehow relates. i feel like some bands do covers to pay tribute and becouse some songs just take ahold of you, and some bands do covers becouse they will make it funny or ironic.
-hellon merlyl is great, who is?
and i always loved mc5's ramblin' rose. probably the first punk billboard hit. i think their studio recording was in 1965. well the stone's decembers children came out that year and i feel like that was one of the first punk rock lp's released. well, that's opening up a can of worms isn't? could be a good discussion though. were did the punk roots begin? some would aurgue that robert johnson was the grandfather of punk itself. i'd agree to a point. i think i might have to do some compiling on early punk. any thoughts on that leo?
-who ever the test department is i love it! i'd really like to hear more. reminds me of duetsh american esche, and maybe some can aswell. iv'e always been a fan of 70's-80's expermental rock. i have a cd of 60's-70's german experemntal rock. it's great. man i reall y like this song, where can hunt down some more test department?
well it's the end of disc one, and this comment is crazy long, sorry about that!
good job leo, this is damn good cd.
check plus plus indeed.
well, where to start. Glad we all like each others contributions. Cydde, I just got yours in, listening to it right now! Funny how we all got some overlap in bands, Devo, MMJ, BPB, I&W. I also like the idea that you brought in a bit with Pavement/The Go Find and the Band/Allman Brothers; band A covers B, B covers C etcetera. Perfect should be the end that the last band in the row covers A. I always wanted to do such a thing but it’s too complicated for me.
And Cydde, you’re as reverential as anyone else, you know where those songs come from! Do you know Ram Jam’s version of Black Betty? I think Spiderbait may have heard it… Check youtube for a clip of their version, I just saw Spiderbait’s clip there as well!
Just to clear things up; you say ‘i would really suck at that’! Does it mean you like that or not? That’s where my English can’t follow it…
Jackson is a great duet song, I once made a duet tape for a long trip in the car and me and my wife both singing along to it, Jackson was there of course. And thanks for Gitanjali lyric copies! And of course for that postcard.
John thanks for sending the missing Baby Huey songs! I knew it from Evie Sands, but I looked it up to be sure…there’s also a authors version from 71 or ’72 by Chip Taylor. He who wrote songs like Wild Thing. Test Department; I saw them once but that was not too good, at that time (around ’99 I think) they were into a electronic mood and I didn’t feel a lot with it. I have two LP’s of them that I like a lot and this concert. All from around ‘85/’86. Check here for more info . Helen Merrill is a jazz singer, she’s from 1930 and still alive and playing. She has an incredible voice.
And yes it does make sense that you can’t stand bg covers of songs when you grew up with them. No problem, I still love it!
firstly i want to say your little one is gorgeous leo. what a cutie!
i did think quite consciously about trying to make it a complete sequence of band A doing band B doing band C and so on. you would have to get the timelines right, but i am sure it could be done. oh, and by saying i would 'suck' at doing a one-song cover compilation, that definitely means a negative thing! just that i would not be able to do it very well. or that i would have to find versions of the song i'd never heard before, so it would feel very tokenistic.
i did some searching on youtube as well, and there was a square dancing cover of new partner. that would have been going too far i think! you're right the spiderbait song is very like the ram jam version though slightly heavier.
given that you're going away, when's the last theme you're going to be able to do? is it july's girls names? have you had any more thoughts about the next theme?
I haven't thought about new themes yet, anyone? Some other thing we might have in common is Cars and Motorbikes, could be something. But for me it will be September than. I'll send July and August in one package, no theme for August for me...
I hope they don't really square dance to new partner, must be fake, not?
iv'e been serching out test dpt and it looks like they have a good begining and then like most 80's industrial, they turn into 90's techno rave. too bad, but that one track is great!
that is one cute kid! you guys both sporting shades? (wearing sunglasses). she looks like a little leo!
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