for my offering of "some girls and a boy (icds/july2008)" i decided to narrow my scope to songs of the rolling stones.i don't know why the stone's was my final dicission, maybe becouse of some girls?
when i first thought of this compo the first songs that came to mind where (in cognoscente order) Ohio riverboat song (Catarina), Agnes the queen of sorrows (happens to be my mother's name :Mary Agnes king) and Lola. which are all fantastic songs, but i thought they were maybe too obvious, or at least i wanted to push myself to really seek out new songs and extend my musical knowladge. and by picking the stone's i certainly learned a great deal. i think i have their catalogue in chronological order burned into my Brain.
i decided to cut off my search at steel wheels (in my mind the last best) and had a lot of fun. i listened to over 400 stone's songs and read the lyrics to over 75 songs to make sure i was on track.
a good deal of the song's were a given; ruby Tuesday, Angie, sweet Virgina. and then there were songs not named after girls, but had girls names in them; dead flowers (lay me down little suzie), star fucker ( Ali McGraw got mad with you for givin' head to Steve McQueen), and then there were songs that were not proper names but rather nick names and euphemisms: hey negrita, poison ivy, and sister morphine.
and i even added a song i love, silver train, which doesn't have a girls name in it at all, but the corus is "i did not know her name!" and i thought it was relevant.
and as for the allotment of a boy's name song, i originally didn't haven't have one but at the last minute picked "bye bye johnny" only because i thought the title was fitting. i really never heard this track before, it was a hit in Britain in the early 60's, and believe is charlie watts singing. i don't really like it, but i'm not a big fan of 'show tunes' sounding stuff.
i knew the stone's were prolific but honestly i could have easily done 2 discs if i was picking on lyric content alone.
iv'e always been a fan of the stones but this project has given me a new found respect. i read a lot of historical essays on their work and lives and cannot believe they came up with as much good material in quick succession and under often chaotic circumstances.
i hope you like it, i'm anxious to hear your thoughts and i can't wait to hear your cds!
have a great holiday cydde and leo!
Hey, looking forward to your gurls John. I have one day before I go off on holiday. We changed plan and head off to Tjech Republic now. That's a bit closer and will save us some money.
I did send my girls off today on a plane to all of you. I'll see you after holidays!! Take good care and we'll write later!
okay sir! have a great time! iv'e heard wonderful things about czech repub.
be safe, and we'll c u in september. september? right.
and cydde, i guess your out in winterland, so i guess i'm on my own for awhile. i suppose i should go on holiday myself. my cd might make it there on time u guys. if not you'll have something waiting for you when you get home!
i can't wait until leo's girls and cydde's ladies show up!
snow at the bottom of the page john! i hope it helps cool you down. shall write more a little later and hope that it's all going well over there in summerland...
it was getting so lonily around here. thanks for dropping in! and sending some wintertime cheer!
i hope all is well with everyone-
that is indeed red earth john. i've put another pic up as you can see. sis has gone home now and i'm missing her, a bit depressed. but i know i have some music waiting for me when i go to work tomorrow! i'll finally be sending my contribution so hopefully it won't take long to get there.
have we decided what we're going to do for august and september with leo off travelling?
it'd be good to hear what's going on over there - is it still hideously hot?
is it mostly red earth there. i'm glad you had a nice time, but it was getting very quite around here.
iv'e had an emotionally devastating week. (this weekend was the anniversary of my engagement to the ex, and also her b-day). but if there's one thing iv'e learned, i can survive, it just takes time. i just have to wait it out. it's a weird feeling, knowing that it'll take 3 months to get back to level. another 3 months of my life dedicated to frustration and agitation, jealousy and self deprecation.
enough about that. yeah it's hovering around 98f (37c)
and no air conditioning. bleck.
for august i'm gonna send the jon spencer because leo is sending a jon spencer cd. you can do anything you like!
september, i think leo is back. so i don't know if we should wait and ask him or what. i'd like to do a "genre history" bit, like i mentioned before. but i do not at all mind if no one else does. so maybe "do what you like august" and we'll wait a bit for sep. and see before we set it in stone.
also i think it's time to recruit some new members.
i'm really not sure, but i think teeny may be done.
i was thinking of asking a guy named ger potz in germany.. he ran a my morning jacket fan site for years. i don't know him, but we've talked a few times over the years. also there's a music editor for a newspaper i know that would be into it, but he's a local guy. do you have any people in mind. basicly i try to seek out people who seem to have a pasion for music, anywhere in the world.i looked through my mail order records, and made a note of people who ordered every year. it's been fun meeting and getting to know people! maybe i'll look through it agian. and maybe i could post a note on the louisvilleisforlovers site.let me know what your thoughts are. i'd like to get one or two more members since i think it's just you me and leo right now.
sorry this is so long. i haven't talked to you in a while. i think iv'e missed you cydde.
john, just so you know i haven't dropped off the radar again... i am writing something more lengthy in an email that i'll send later today.
still looking forward to getting your stones effort (leo's came through).
stay strong
just finishing writing up the notes for july - sorry i've been so far behind.
to tide over here's a few boys and a girl in the same song...
that video is ridiculous. that pink girlly t, and those dancing boys. i also watched 'into my arms'
i love that song. the video is bad. infact i don't think iv'e ever seen a cave video i really liked.
i cannot believe you haven't gotten my cd yet. i mailed it almost 2 weeks ago. it sent it under a 4 day delivery plan. f! i hope it's not lost. of corse i haven't gotten any 'several girls' cds yet.and i haven't gotten the email.
i look forward to getting it though.
agreed, i don't like nick cave videos. i did watch another vid for stagger lee on youtube that someone had made an alternative for to sort of follow the story. it was better.
now, must be honest i only just sent the girls off today - sorry a million times. i did include another disc to be my 'jon spencer' but it's not him. interestingly i am contributing quite a lot of australian music this time around.
also i've sent an email to you - i expect to be considerably more 'verbal' now! just had a quiet time i think that was partly filled with travelling the country side.
tonight i might start another entry to talk a bit about what's on its way to you now.
also does that mean you haven't even received leo's, or just mine?
today i recieved leo's. he told me he sent it 2 weekds ago so i was worried. i sent mine 2 weeks ago too.
leo's was really good. the 'august' was not jsbex like i expected, but was a full length record by a netherlander band. very good aswell. he also sent a live record of "test dept" that i was looking for. all really good cds. i listened to them at work. i'd like to do more lp's and new releases so we can discus. not always just now and agian. i'll still send the jsbex live record becouse i'd like to hear what you guys think. i did'nt get a teeny cd, but don't expect too. she may send to you, or may be done.
after a couple of references now i went to see what the cramps have been up to. lux is looking bloody old but i guess that's probably because he is! john and/or leo, what do you make of more recent stuff they've done? i haven't heard any of it (knowingly anyway).
just sitting back with some time to myself listening to leo's. i love the dutch music history! i would have thought holland would have pioneered long hair for some reason... tamara is fabulous - must be a great dancing album if the whole thing sounds like this.
i also want to say that baxter dury is far more preferrable to his father. i'm not going to think too hard about it because i know i'll get a song that really bugs me stuck in my head!
the start of phoebe sounds like an english version of cambodian music (my sister's husband is cambodian, only way i know). it seems to be to do with the pitch. what is the background of these singers? its really a very interesting song. from what little i could glean they're mother and son. what more do you guys know?
cydde, i wrote you on hell of a long email last night. i was delerious and rambled, hopefully you'll enjoy and not be annoyed. i don't know if leo is gonna be around to explain his offering, and i am not familar with alot of his tracks this month. i will agree thatbaxter is alot more agreeable than father.
last week i was given mix cds from 2 differnt people that included songs:ohia/electric magnolia co. and since then iv'e been saturating myself with thier music. i never really listened to it before becouse i thought he was ripping off will oldham. but his message is one that i can relate too in this time in my life "all the things you hated me for, honey there was so much more." and "well you'll never hear me talking about one day getting out, why put a new address on the same old loneliness."
i'm sorry i turned my back on him for so long. theres so many records. i've been listening to "songs:ohia-electric magnolia co." later he changed the name to "electric magnolia co." it's confusing but worth it. so still no package from me? hopefully monday...
as far as the cramps, they are on of my favorites. but honestly i don't know about their new stuff. they are old but still have the fight in them! there's a live video of them playing in an insane asylum. it's really great. they are locked in a room with a bunch of paitents and only one nurse, no orderlies. the patients go crazy! and rush the stage and the band keeps playing! there were moments you could tell the band were nervous. like if things went south there was no one to help, but they got themselves into this mess so why not just go nuts too! totally worth serching out.
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