i sent cydde another invite for cydde to sign up, and also made everyone an adminaster, so you all can make changes to our settings and profiles and such. don't let the power go to your head. i think ol' hank is letting us be for now, so if anyone is interested in adding another, or has any thoughts, please... i'd like to add another geographical point if i can. e.u. agian (eastern europe or ukrian too maybe), africa, iceland, maybe south amimerica. but i surley don't want to over burden ourselves.
so, covers for june! and i couldn't upload a pic on my profile, like teeny did, so this is for your viewing pleasure incase you wonder what i look like..
p.s. stablenator is the best title for a job position iv'e ever herd!
yeah it sounds like a good job position, but the salary is baaad.
Well who cares about money with such a title.
I'll shop around if someone is interested to join. No-one comes to mind right now.
And John, I received your CD's yesterday. You're a brave man to come up with this feelings CD! It says a lot and I hope you come over her soon. But compiling such a CD must help I guess.
With Reo Speedwagon's and a lot of songs on the CD's it's that I know them but not owe them and still love 'em. I'm glad I have them here now.
making that cd was the first time i used itunes. i went there to get one reo speedwagon song, and ended up spending $40! i have most music on vinyl and decided to just pick up some golden oldies like rod stewrt, skynyrd, cheap trick, and then i started typing in obscure bands just to see if they had it, and the next thing i know i'm buying all this 80's and 90's garage rock i grew up listenting to (kicking giant). i made the feeling cd to give her just to let her know how much she fucked me up, and by the end i realized i was getting a handle on things finally and anything about me wasn't her bissness anymore. it really did help.
30 years on, i don't think my dad is completly over his first wife, but i am definatly ready to gwak at the pretty girls in their summer dresses!
i hope you think i did well on the first cd in keeping with the theme. feel free to grade me.
p.s. i like this bob corn, tell me about him. (i woke up today with his song in my head).
-i'm glad we found cydde! turns out she was just working on her car! speeking of, i have asked two metal head friends of mine to compile a 'history of' cd, hopefully one of them will come through!!
p.s.s. i can't for the life me figure out how to upload a pic on my profile. i try and it shows a yeild sign and nothing happens. both yours and teeny's are awesome! and cydde i noticed you signed on, are you listed as a member of the cd swap club? right now i think you have to be to post blogs. but leo and teeny are admin's so if you guys notice how to change it, feel free.
also, i really love de artsen. please tell me about them too. very galexy 500/black tamborine.
i'd like to do a grage cd. what's you final thoughts/guidlines for the june cd?
Cydde, are you there? I can't see a new profile?
John, of course the first CD sticked to the theme absolutely!
bob corn; he's from italy and used to be a booker for will oldham and others. I saw him play recently and he told me he was making music because his (ex) girlfriend loved will oldham. So he was jealous on Will, but he loved his music. I talked to him because he played a Palace song and I wanted to know if he played more to put the info on the site. And he totally fell apart when I said I needed the info for the site, saying "whaat, is it you!! I knew you were from Holland, this is amazing and so on" (think about an Italian accent with that lines). We (TLS) had played before him and when we played I had seen him sitting in front enjoying us but I didn't realise he had to play as well. That's how we traded CD's in the end and that's about it. So we smoked a big joint and talked about music. He's a funny guy!
De Artsen is pre-Bettie Serveert. They recorded this album in 1989 and split in 1990. Two of them and a roadie and the soundwoman formed Bettie Serveert. It's got almost a timeless quality and the album is on the list for a future swap if there are no themes.
I think you must be able to upload your own pic when you update your profile. At least that's what I can do with my profile.
I make no guide lines for the june CD. My thoughts on songs that will appear on my version are various. There's one song that I found about years later it was actually a country song and I hated country at that time, that was something for my parents. Nowadays I love the country version more.
Another one is a song that brought me to learn about funk, so that was a nice surprise as well.
So everyone has to think about their own guidelines I guess. The only guide is that they are covers I guess.
i would love to have the de artsen cd! and i have the jon spencerc as well. i think i'm just going to start sending full albums every month along with comps becouse i like having full records and i can't wait to see what you think of the blues explosion live cd!
somehow i can't upload a pic for my profile, but have no problem uploading pics for the page. and i think cydde somehow signed up undr a differnt blog club.
speeking of, when cyyde joined the club she knew you becouse of the royal stable site!
the world knows of your work!!
Removed the other stupid comment as it was unnecessary.
So I have brought some thoughts up from the flagship post, about cat power. the first time i saw her perform was in melbourne in 1999 and it was completely solo. she had film running in the background and although it was awkward it lasted the whole time and seemed quite normal if not astonishingly fantastic. when we got back to adelaide we heard the performance was just like the one you described john. apparently she came on, stood there half playing then not at all and just walked off the stage not to return. that tainted a lot of people's ideas about her. since i've seen her perform 4 more times - perhaps it's like a morbid curiosity. they are ups and downs. after i broke up with a previous boyfriend i saw her perform in adelaide at a place called the governor hindmarsh (a pub) and she played fantastically and totally engaged with the crowd. and she played a fantastic version of wolf among wolves (see, i would include that if i had a bootleg of the gig).
Now I am finally going to put on your cd's to listen, with a clear head space and time to do it.
cydde i think it's astonishing and kinda sad that you were 30 before you ever saw falling snow. ofcorse in louisville we get every kind of weather: snow, tornados, drought, floods, freezing cold, lighting storms...
falling snow is the best! quiet nights where everything is muffled and bright, and the street lights light up the snow flakes like falling stars.
and teeny i'm sorry i missed your call tonite. it's 100 degrees in the house and i fell asleep in some kind of heat induced coma. but i can't wait to see joe manning play live! i'm just kinda scared that you know who will be there. yesterday i noticed she uploaded pictures of him onto our fotothing page. wtf does that mean?
btw, joe manning's last record would be great as a swap. have we sent any joe yet?
his new band with rachel grimes (rachel's) is great, they are doing a song for ziggy stardust.
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