JUNE=wanting to wallow songs. sometimes it's nice to listen to records that make us feel sorry for ourselves. sparklehorse has always been the failsafe 'wallow' music for me: "i want my records back, and the motorcycle gas tank i spray painted black" brilliant. -happy summer to most, winter to some :-)
this month has gotten away from me. it's half over already and we haven't picked a swap idea. and also i have kinda confused myself by sending last month's swap to people at different times and now i can't remember who i haven't sent to yet and who got what. and i think we all could use a bit of catching up. so i suggest we just look toward June as our next swap time so we all can pick a theme, and have plenty of time to prepare. it will also give me time to send out my Lucero mix to anyone who wants it, and my follow up, a dacade of Damien Jurado, to anyone who might want it too. just leave a note here and i will get it out to you! but our first order is to pick a JUNE THEME. i liked Martin's idea of working on a feeling or moment in time. one idea was to do an all Live mix. also we had a good time on the "gambette!"/ "heart in the belt" pick yourself up mix last year, maybe we could pick another such feeling like "goodbye music" or "wanting to wallow" mix. so let me know what you think and we'll post JUNE"S THEME soon so we'll have plenty of time to dig in. -welcome back cydde!
alright, this pic MAY be a stretch, but it was the in the first 10 pic results for 'may' on google images. the one girl's name is May. it says so on her athletic uniform. anyway, anyone have any MAY swap ideas? btw-martin i really like your 'single event' mix idea. that might be a fun one to do. i'm up for anything. anyone interested this month?
Hope you enjoy this month as much as I did. I came across the Thriller 25th anniversary cd at work (I work in the library at my university) and I had to share! I was never much of an MJ fan, and I’m still not, but these songs do have a certain appeal.
I think my favorite is the duet with Paul McCartney, “The Girl is Mine.” I can’t help but enjoy tthe ridiculousness of imagining Michael and Paul fighting over the same lady!
Anyway, hope all is well and I look forward to your cd’s!
1.Beat It
2.Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'
3.Baby Be Mine
5.Beat It
6.Billie Jean
7.Human Nature
8.P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing)
9.The Lady In My Life
10.Billie Jean (2008 Kanye West Remix)
11.For All Time
12.The Girl Is MineMichael Jackson & Paul McCartney
13.Wanna Be Startin' Somethin' (2008 Remix)Michael Jackson Feat. Akon14.Beat It (2008 Remix)Michael Jackson Feat. Fergie
15.The Girl Is Mine (2008 Remix)Michael Jackson Feat. will.i.am
16.P.Y.T. (2008 Remix)Michael Jackson Feat. will.i.am
ps. I just sent this out to Martin and John today, anyone else who would like a copy let me know. ( :
along with graeme we also invited another longtime 'louisville is for lovers' friend from austria to join us. and i am happy to report our new friend Martin will be joining us for April. i hope we all can make him feel welcome! (and i just noticed that earlier this month Hanneke wrote a comment. hi hanneke! i hope you'll join in our posts and swaps sometime! and as cydde will point out, we are low on the female involvement.)
would anyone like to do an april swap? it may be a small one, i know some of us will be out in the world. i was thinking of maybe a full album or compilation of songs by one band (that's what i am doing), so it won't be a big time consumer. .(unless someone has a theme idea, then count me in). (above: april, 10 year anniversary of the costliest Australian natural disaster).
in the beginning we would have swaps planned out for a few months ahead and try to send them out during the month in question, but that was kinda a mess, so now we mostly send out our discs about 10 days before the end of the month. (graeme i'll send you an email of addresses) and usually about now we think up a next swap, which i don't really know whats going on for april since cydde's going to be away, but i'm not going anyplace. april is rainy time here so i'll be inside a lot. so if anyone wants to cook up something. i also might put together another anthology mix i like to do (past ones include superchunk, rolling stones, starkiller/phantom family halo, songs ohia/magnolia electric co., daimien jurado, i forget the others but if your interested in any of those, no prob). so who's a dmx fan now? (i'm glad the winter is starting to retreat, sorry cydde. happy new apt. greame. welcome teeny. also, i'm a metal worker now.)
dang! it's march already! and we are totally marching ahead! and the idea for this month's theme. cydde is traveling the e.u. (and leo is getting a house guest?) and i am ready for some warm weather to hit the road on my 1977 kawasaki 400d! and possibly the best news this month, a new swapper, Graeme, will be joining us from Glasgow! so cydde and i thought maybe we could do a 'hit the road' driving/exploring/moving on type mix, whatever that means to you. if anyone is interested in swapping this month, please leave a comment saying as such. (and we are looking to drop the mixes in the mail by the last week of the month). and to welcome our new swap mate, i thought maybe we could write a note about ourselves to get aquatinted and help make Graeme feel welcome. happy March gang! i hope all is well.
that 'i live in louisville' site that interviews louisvillians put up their profile of me yesterday. i spent 2 days with the writer. she was thorough! she squeezed out every detail of my life, thankfully she didn't print too many personal bits. more than i would have wanted, but that's what i get for opening my big mouth. she took pictures of me all over the building, but like everybody, she loved my bathroom, and ended up printing the pic of me standing in there! i was worried because the site categorizes the stories by location, and was expecting "louisiville is for lovers toilet!" they filed it under 'east main street HeadQuarters.''
it's been a crazy insane week, full of ups and downs, twists and turns, and now it's all done. and i have no job and nothing to look forward to. last week we had an event everyday, and it all went really well, except for the last one, the venue were jerks and pretty much did everything they could to run us out (including turning off the heat so it was freezing in there). but everyone is enjoying the album, and thank you thank you to jeffrey lee (the only one to review it) for the many wonderful comments( including that perhaps something good has come from my endless self pity). so now it's on to the next thing, whatever that may be. i hope you all are well and survived valentine's day without too many bruises.
it seems like we maybe ready to plan up another swap. jeffrey said he wanted to send some stuff, and i'm ready for one too. i defiantly needed some time to bang out a few albums, but now i think i need a distraction from working on the albums. odd how that works; like needing a week to reacclimate yourself after a long holiday.
i know everyone is working through new work changes and all that so i figured maybe we could do a feb. swap with whom ever has the time, but no guilt if you can't. maybe for awhile we can organize monthly swaps with whomever has time and see if that works, so if you can't make it sometimes it's no sweat. we can propose a swap idea on the page and those who are interested can leave a message. leo mentioned sending some radio broadcasts of the blues ex to me that i wanted to hear, and it got me listening to some radio performances i have here, so maybe we can do a radio broadcast swap? let me know if you are interested in doing that one. another idea, feb is valentine's day, and i know i have some love songs around here somewhere...
hey everyone. i feel bad about falling out of the loop but work has been killing me. 51 people were laid off at the newspaper so my workload has picked up. next thing you know they'll have me delivering papers.
i appreciate the last batch of music, and i'm all about some comic books so that was a nice bonus. i'll get busy burning and head to the post office.