JUNE=wanting to wallow song s.
sometimes it's nice to listen to records that make us feel sorry for ourselves. sparklehorse has always been the failsafe 'wallow' music for me: "i want my records back, and the motorcycle gas tank i spray painted black" brilliant.
-happy summer to most, winter to some :-)
i found this picture online under "wallow." believe it or not, those are highly regarded academics, wallowing around in their skivvies in Antarctica. other pictures show penguins wandering around watching them.
anyway, i have finished up my JUNE mix already! i sent it out with the april mix i forgot to send, to teeny, martin, leo, and cydde. if anyone is interested in swapping this month, just leave a note, and anyone i haven't sent the disc to, i'll get it right out! (i know teeny is swapping this month). happy summertime!
The Damien Jurado is BRILLIANT! Haven't listened to Sparklehorse yet...
okay, I really like the sparklehorse too-- nice job, johnny!
okay kids, let me know what you think of the belated may swap, and what you're thinking for june!
i'm half between wallowing and celebrating, so i think it will be a somewhat schizophrenic swap from down south in the freezing cold (we had -6 centigrade the other night, and it only got to 4 today). sigh!
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