would anyone like to do an april swap? it may be a small one, i know some of us will be out in the world. i was thinking of maybe a full album or compilation of songs by one band (that's what i am doing), so it won't be a big time consumer. .(unless someone has a theme idea, then count me in).
(above: april, 10 year anniversary of the costliest Australian natural disaster).
it was a huge hailstorm that passed through - a cricket ball is about the size of a baseball and that's how big the hail stones were...
wikipedia article
the costliest natural disaster in AU history. yikes! was Adelaide hit? (yesterday i retraced our road trip dream: melbourne-adelaide-streaky bay! sydney-canberra). i figure i'll make a bunch of money in the next 2 years and then retire to adelaide and hang out with the parents all day in the garden. any get rich quick ideas?
there are some things you could do that would not be legal!
adelaide definitely didn't get that weather - it gets weather patterns from the west but the weather for sydney goes north-south. here in canberra it's mixed - sometimes we get the weather come over from adelaide, or get stuck with weather in the middle of the country or from north. it's bloody dry.
i still think about that trip too! you'll find a way.
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