it seems like we maybe ready to plan up another swap. jeffrey said he wanted to send some stuff, and i'm ready for one too.
i defiantly needed some time to bang out a few albums, but now i think i need a distraction from working on the albums. odd how that works; like needing a week to reacclimate yourself after a long holiday.
i know everyone is working through new work changes and all that so i figured maybe we could do a feb. swap with whom ever has the time, but no guilt if you can't. maybe for awhile we can organize monthly swaps with whomever has time and see if that works, so if you can't make it sometimes it's no sweat. we can propose a swap idea on the page and those who are interested can leave a message.
leo mentioned sending some radio broadcasts of the blues ex to me that i wanted to hear, and it got me listening to some radio performances i have here, so maybe we can do a radio broadcast swap? let me know if you are interested in doing that one. another idea, feb is valentine's day, and i know i have some love songs around here somewhere...
some love songs??!! good one john.
for the first swap, what about 'cold songs' - ones that make us feel cold, or warm when we're freezing, and about the cold? i need some of that with the prospect of days over 30 and sticky thunderstorms!
will we have some new members???
yeah, i know that was a cheezy joke.
i am planning on asking one or two more people to swap, if that's ok. and if you guys know of any potential swappers please do invite. the 2 people i have in mind are people i met the same way we met, long time supporters of my series, people who take the time to write and talk about the music world. we'll see.
i haven't been good about emailing and writing back lately (cydde,sorry) there's been so many fuck ups these few last weeks with the cd that i am scatterbrained. i'm sure it'll be all ironed out eventually, and it's no excuse, but i am planning on catching up on my correspondence this week. (jeffrey i just realized still have my december package for you, oops. it's all ready to go, i just forgot to put it in the mail!)
so potentially austria, or germany. i always wanted to here the un-exported sounds of iceland too, but have no real connections there.
anywhoo, cold songs works for me, i can think of some for sure. and since i'll be going to the post office everyday in february i should be able to get them to you on time!
i'd like to do the broadcast one too, sometime, maybe after all the LSI4L stuff is done, and i'll have plenty of fresh radio recordings of vol.9 live.
i love your mountains image!
so, any news on the next theme? boys? i'm itchin for some diggin and compilin.
of course, provided your materials arrive on time for lifl john!
I have sent out the JSBE radio gig for this month.
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