no ham sandwich could be more tempting than mr. christina martinez. and speaking of, he seems to have kept up that classic sex explosion after all these years. feel good about your body, baby.


don't get me wrong, but i say when you assume a certain lifestyle, you have a responsibility.
here's a photo from our ongoing melbourne family photo series:

the honeymoon's over, mamma cass.

don't get me wrong, but i say when you assume a certain lifestyle, you have a responsibility.
here's a photo from our ongoing melbourne family photo series:
the honeymoon's over, mamma cass.
jonny looking a bit sus himself (right):

at least her man stands by her! he's never lost it might i say (that's what you mean, isn't it john?)... i find it interesting that she doesn't get down on herself about having changed in such a way when most women would, though i'm sure she's self-conscious on some level (and perhaps even was when she was younger almost in spite of her on-stage persona/behaviour).
i must confess to being shocked when i saw the picture and had to send it. you can tell it's her but only vaguely, and as i said that monkey-suit looking top is not helping the situation.
in some ways i think it's easier for blokes to stay the same for longer, though she didn't look like she had to try too hard, and those album covers for whiteout were quite recent. hey, maybe they were airbrushed! actually, i just checked and i can't believe that was all the way back in 2000! i didn't realise it had been quite that long. plenty of time to let yourself go...
as for the question of whether it should have happened, that's a tricky philosophical one john! the fact that she went out of the public eye after the last boss hog album perhaps was her thought that that was the end of that phase of her life and other things meant more to her than her life to that point, and her outward image.
whatever the case, mama cass did spring to mind but hopefully her and mr spencer get up to enough shenanigans to actually keep her fit! she shouldn't die from a heart attack too early if they're still at it like they should be!!!
and all this is quite aside from the fact that it really shouldn't matter... i wonder if she sounds the same???
PS. i still love peeking inside the sleeve of plastic fang. i've told every man i've known that the hottest guy on earth is jon spencer. no question. though he's probably really short, hey?
though not sure about the moustache above...
he's not short, about my hight, although you don't know how tall i am!! average.
did i ever tell you about the time i met him (orange tour) and my GF was all over him, i was so upset! he knew she was my GF, and she even asked him if he was still married to christina, and if they had an understanding!! at the time i worked at a gar bar, and the owners where always harassing me for being the only guy at the bar that wouldn't sleep with them, and they refused to believe i wasn't gay because i kept a pic of JS in my wallet! on the night me and the GF went to meet the blues explosion i spent longer than usual getting ready and my boss said "you won't take a shower for me, but you'll take one for jon spencer" and i said "i'd take one with jon spencer" honestly i'd take one with christina as well, granted this like 14 years ago, and in college (meaning it's acceptable to experiment with the same sex in uni, and it's not considered being gay, at least that's my position, and i'm standing by it).
anywhoo, mr. spencer was a gentleman about it. but Russell simmons seemed to be trolling around the youngins. but really, way back in '85 john and christina marketed themselves as super sex icons. remember christina wasn't in Pussy Galore at first, she was 16 yr old girl that couldn't play guitar, had no real talent or any good reason for getting the job except she was willing to be the nasty, naked, jail bait sex machine. and she peddled that persona for 20 years. always the naked cover girl photos and the 'i'm the girl your boyfriend wish you had' persona all the way until a couple years ago when looking good didn't come easy anymore. instead of working for it (like the rest of us have to) she just gave up and took the stance of 'if people don't like it, than shame on them for being shallow'. i don't see that as fair.
although i commend her for getting up on stage wearing that giant fur ball jumpsuit. and cydde your right, it barley even looks like her, it took a lot of comparing to recognize it. jon spencer is getting up there and he knows it, but he doesn't look like a desperate aging star clinging to the past, he works with what he's got, and still looks good (unsure of the stash, maybe it'll grow on me), and shows his age gracefully. there is a way to look like a good looking older person, it's just rare since most people staring at 50 try desperately to hide their age and do crazy things and wear crazy clothes. and what's with dudes wearing sunglasses all the time to hide their crows feet, and wearing crazy hats and scarves to hide their disappearing hair. like bono, and leif garret. it's embarrassing and not fooling anyone! and the ones who embrace their age and keeps up their looks without surgery and stuff actually look better and seem more grounded than the young men strutting around being silly. i'm thinking of George clooney, david bowie, mr. spencer, nick cave, that kinda man. and look ladies, this means you too. we just think your desperate when your 47 and wearing midriffs and stretching your face out and pretending your a teenager. joan jett can do it, and she hasn't lead the quietest life.
anyway, people in the public eye don't need to be sex figures, but if that's what they pushed themselves as, and how they got where they are, then come on now. carrier musicians know they have to keep up their skills, actors don't stop acting, carrier lookers can't just crawl into a ham on rye and tell us we're shallow when we are confused about their sudden change. paris hilton knows she can't just wake up one day and decide she's a thespian and expect the rest of to go along with it.
maybe i'm just a little wounded, ms. martinez was a major crush of mine for a long time. it's like if in hi skool you dated a girl and years later she walks up to you in a bar and she's gigantic and your buddies ask you how you knew her, do you say "she was my girlfriend for 4 years" or are you a total bastard for saying 'i went to hi skool with her.'
it's like those circuit city commercials where the guy buys a television on line and when he goes to the store to pick it up he is completely brow beaten for being a shallow bastard when he says the t.v. looked better online. i want my christina back. that monster ate her, and we need her back. as we get older we need people to fantasize over just like everyone else. and we are too old to fantasize over teenagers (at least i don't want to). put down the sandwich christina get get back into our heart.
i had a feeling that showing you that pic might have crushed a youthful love affair and image in the mind. i guess people age in different ways, and can you just pretend that she looks the same as she did? maybe it was an imposter!?
i think in a lot of regards you are right - though do you think she was like she was just to please men? it's easy to think that, and seems obvious, but maybe she never really defined herself as being 'for the blokes' and it was all for herself? that sounds pretty naive or feminist and gets into that terriory about 'she asked for it' for dressing (or not dressing!) the way she did.
if i were you i'd be way more disappointed if jon went hideous in any way - and i completely understand the college thing. actually all the guys i've been with have expressed the exact same thing - some willingly and publicly, others less so. you're only human!! and actually i prefer men who are comfortable with all facets of their sexuality.
in my mind i still wonder what she would think if she was reading this. she'd probably say 'don't you have anything better to do than talk about what i look like?'. that's where it's hard because often people in the public eye who had/have a certain image are in denial or unaware of just how important they are to regular people in the street. sometimes we would feel like we would die if we ever lost them in the way we 'knew' them. that shows how deluded we the fans can be too i guess.
i just hope you have some other crushes to hold onto john!
oh, and though i've never had a 'crush' on nick cave, i agree that he's ageing not too bad for his lifestyle but there was a phase there in the 90s where he hit his peak and you can really tell. honestly, now he just looks like a slimy old dealer. but as you say, not trying to be something he's not.
i guess jon is still proud to introduce cristina as his wife. did you read any of the recent interviews with her? there's perhaps a bit more insight to be had. one of them showed her coming across as a real bitch actually.
and jon would probably cut your nuts off for badmouthin his woman!!! ha ha ha ha...
as her man, he had better! i'm not too proud to say i've been known to do certain acts to uphold my girl's honor. that's our job!
any way you slice it, it's Christina's choice to present herself, where it's for the boys, or for NOT the girls, she was playing a role. 20 years for gettin naked on the covers, magazines, actin' like a minx. and yes, her attitude plays as much into it as the visual appearance. she has that 'back off of man, your not nearly the woman i am' bit.
as for cave and spencer, they both assumed roles too, and stuck with them, and they are good god damn roles to play!
it;s funny us talking about blurred sexuality, today will was over at the house and that's what we talked all about. and then i asked if wanted any booty, meaning any of the shirts, cds, etc, in the merch room, but he thought something else and we had a chuckle.
he's a good person, he listens like nobody ever does.
and btw, knowing what i know about people, and certain people, it wouldn't be a stretch for ol' christina to be reading this over a barrel of super fudge chunk ice cream, chokin' on the spoon. and why do i know this? people tend (late late at nite) to scour over the internet to read what has been written about them, and lemme tell ya, personal blogs are the big targets. articles are written by a guy gettin a paycheck, appeasing lots of people, so fuck em, but reading unabashed thoughts about you from some dumb fuck you never met, really pisses 'em off. i'll admit i do it, and it pisses me off. remember my david p. story? but regular old newspaper shit slinging really gets me too, remember last week? some jerks think they can shit all over you because you do something they wish they could. of corse it is really fun to do it, so thank you cristina for making it so easy. cold hands was my favorite record of freshman year, i have a right!
here's some trivia, larry flint apparently has that poster framed at hustler, and has asked her many times to pose for the cover. but probably not anymore. i still do have a few skool boy crushes that haven't been crushed by the temptation of the foot long meatball hoagie at subway. joan jett has some years on mrs. martinez and is still makes me wish i was a lesbian. did i ever tell you of the time i dated an airline stewardess, and joan jett was one first class and grabbed the other stewardess' ass, and she was all pissed about it, and my girl was all pissed because joan jett didn't hit on her at all! that same girl gave me a subscription to hustler online one year. actually she gave me the password to her account, and after like the third time she tried to logg in and couldn't because i was already on, she bought me my own. kate henderson, where ever you are, thanks for the good times.
i had a weird thought last night that maybe it's not her at all! really. not sure who it would be, but there you go. i've tried to find any youtube footage of the atp performance but no luck, and all the sites that refer to the 'reunion' shows talk about what she WAS like and i doubt had any clue what she IS like now. i bet there were thousands of guys who showed up and had their spirits crushed in person! surprised no one is talking about it - maybe they think it's not appropriate even though secretly they're hurtin!
i have to admit that i can't think of an equivalent for myself, mainly because i haven't had do-or-die crushes on people in any sphere of life (mythical famous people or people in regular life). i think that's partly a symptom of me not being a performer/artist who on some level or other has to be conscious of what they project into the world. so appearance doesn't generally impact on my judgement of people (not entirely true of course!). even the artists who say they don't give a fuck whether their work or their personalities are accepted have a level of self-consciousness about their expression. they wanna be liked (or hated). they wanna evoke the emotions of people.
i guess i know a bit about what you mean, in the sense that i take it personally if someone bags out the organisation i work for - because i believe in it and think what we do is for the greater good of society. i hate being undermined (and some fucker is doing that to us right now). when it comes down to you as an individual, regardless of the agendas of the people bagging you out, that's when it can really mess with your head.
as far as sexuality goes, i also think this whole conversation is partly an expression of how images, behaviour and persona affect men and women differently. women are often bitches to each other but can't abide the criticism of a man. in the same token, women can be the most genuinely supportive and accepting of another woman (whether they're lesbians or not). a lot of men don't notice things that women notice about each other (though in cristina's case it's hard not to - and you 'noticed' more than i did - or at least it meant more to you than it did to me, mostly because i wasn't in love with her!). if mr spencer porked up i'd probably go 'aw', have a chuckle and accept that if he's still makin music i like listening to he's fulfilled his pledge to me. plus i always knew that even in the wildest day dreams he'd never be available (no matter what cristina looked like).
at least you still have real people like kate in your history who gave you more than cristina ever could or would!
fyi there's a famous racing car driver here called dick johnson (from the 70s and 80s). ha ha ha.
really? ha ha ha! poor guy. anyway did you watch the vid? maybe it's about him. there running around street cars and stuff. and was recorded in 85.
hey john, let's not forget i'm a vego over here - that ham sanger (aussie for sandwich) looks hideous!
i know!! it's so gross!! and she loves 'em!
actually there were some even grosser ones, with the green background and all, it was perfect! but yuk, i'll take it down.
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