i printed like a million of these posters and no one would put them up. the record stores claimed 'it wasn't family friendly' i always thought the neighborhood record store was the last refuge for freedom of expression. so there was a box of them in the merch room for like three years until i pissed off the cat one day and she pissed on them. good kittie. anywhoo this lovely poster captures the spirit of miss kate, and the magical year of 2002.
i love that we still converse on the cd swap page, even though it's just us. it makes me happy, and doesn't at all feel 'falling apart' like when teeny moved on and i panicked and thought it would just crumble. we love our project, cydde, and that's the most important. and maybe we are super nerds, i dunno. i did put up a 'follow this page' link just incase somewhere out there someone is watching and interested (although they might be turned off from my bashing phase this week). do you think anyone can tell what kinda club this is by the schizophrenic rambling and pics?
a lot of things in my life have been connected lately, it's odd. like one of the CDs i sent out is the BLUES EXPLOSION LIVE lp, and the next day you bring up cristina's metamorphosis.(i spent a long time looking for pics from ATP too, i guess people feel bad and choose not to spread it around, much like she spreads mayo all over the ham sandwiches, ok i'll stop doing that).
and then Will and i spent the evening talking about blurred sexuality and then u and i talk about it. and i even talked about miss kate to Will (love making outside in the city) and then we talk about hustler, and miss kate is brought up again. and so i took this pic of the show poster of her on it, it hangs in my bathroom with all my posters. (it's packed from floor to ceiling with silk screened posters) and will went into the bathroom and howled 'woooah'! and i said (from the kitchen) 'what's wrong?!' and he said 'nothing, it's really neat in here!'
so i meant to say before, cristina's persona isn't just a cock tease for the boys, it's character. bad ass, sexy dominate, what have you. i've often noted that the reason there are almost as many girls in louisville my age who play music as boys is because the 1990's was filled with women for girls to look up to, want to be, etc. like cristina, Michelle may, laura ballance, tara jane o'neil. girls in hi skool wanted to be those strong pretty personas. and they all take on different types. just like jon spencer plays a role, and nick cave. i'll admit being 14 and wanting to become someone like that (i thought nick cave was the bee's knees, 17-19 i thought jon spencer was the awesomest). it deffinatly has to do with sexuality, but just as a part of whole package of confidence, brashness, fame, open sexuality, etc.
me and a friend stayed up last nite watching videos and doing homework on this subject.
here's a link to nick cave in his 1982 glory, playing a the role he would end up playing for 20 years. (btw, there is a woman in the audience that's dressed like a china doll and she's like 3 feet taller than everyone else, and she's glowing and smiling, it's creepy).
btw, and have you seen the video for boss hog's get it while u wait? i'm not familiar with that LP, and i'm glad, the song is awful, the video is pretentious, it's like she's trying to reinvent herself as some kinda pop diva like Madonna. but i watched a lot of pussy galore/boss hog vids, and cristina is stripping, strutting on every one. it's not the boys who created this fantasy of her, she created it. thats the only reason i'm giving her shit. it's like when nick cave started writing happy poppy albums and wanted his long time fans to just hang up the black leather and jump on board. cristina's very last LP was her all sexy, and now, she's all 'i'm sorry if some people feel like i let them down by suddenly wearing bear costumes'
in the same token, i do like when artists step outside of themselves and explore different mediums, alice cooper wrote some great jazz, but this isn't what Mrs.Pussy Galore is doing. exploring the 'give up on yourself and others' genre. i think david bowie has showed us that you can change your appearance and style and still be true to your mission. and with that i'm stepping off the soap box, i'm really not that broken over her weight gain, it just brings up a lot of questions about your persona and how others perceive you. and i'm having a real hard time with that lately, so i took the opportunity to vent. cristina, go nuts, baby. i'll be there soon enough i'm sure.
yeah we're nerds, there's no question about it john. i'm not too sure that it's clear what the blog is about, but most of them aren't! we're by no means the most esoteric and actually it is a shit-dribbling fest. that's the way we like it.
i have to say i waver between not really caring what's happened to her and completely understanding your disappointment. i'd actually like to see her still strutting like she used to regardless of what she looks like now - it's about maintaining control of that persona, even if physically it changes a bit. maybe she'd still be a husky minx?! but that one picture makes it kinda look like she's given up on her 'self' as it was for 20 years (well maybe only about 15 in the end).
you are right about that woman in the crowd - i have to say i would not have associated the birthday party with the hacienda club, that was new order and all those? actually jess in the office looks exactly like that woman - she's tall and wears stand-out clothes and would appear in the exactly the same way, almost to a tee.
i hope after all this that you feel much better for having vented (after that wanker dissed you). his was only jealousy, we wants to be you! though his words don't 'say' it, really it's a form of praise. it means people are threatened by your talent and popularity (even though you don't see it that way).
and of course i am now looking really forward to the package when i return to the 'berra. has anyone received mine yet? i say anyone - jeffrey, leo, you out there? i know it's a busy time of year.
personally i am sittin back relaxing in adelaide with nothing much to do, it's a great holiday. been out shopping for more secondhand glassware and went into a shop today in which you could have been crushed by crockery if you moved the wrong way! you wouldn't want to be claustrophobic. unfortunately there has been nothing collectible that you guys would be interested in - like albums, show posters, etc. sorry.
neat! cydde your out there! i have a bit of a personal quandary on my hands and need guidance.it's (believe it or not) a bit too personal for here, so i sent you an email.
yeah, i'm with you on the she can be husky and still rockin' it. it just seems she's let it get to her. nina simone was a super badass big girl. and really i thought she was more of a sex icon then, then later on when she lost the weight. it's like you said, it's about maintaining the persona. a few years ago i got depressed and got big (don't tell anyone) i was up yo 200lbs! and honestly it made me loose all self confidence. i stopped dressing nice and gave up the patented johnking attitude. it sucked. but a girl, named gina, wouldn't give up on me and we started dating and i was a depressed mess, but she hung in there and slowly i got my confidence back up. after that it's easier too get out of bed and want to dress well and get outside and soon my health got better and so did my head.
i'd like to see the glassware you collect again. my sister collects glassware too. glass is the family trade. my and dad are both trained glazers (stained glass window makers) and mom worked in the glass industry too. dad is very well known actually. and i got some chops too. tell dad and mum happy holidays, and they better pamper the hell out of you!
p.s. remind me to start sending jess correspondence too. she's the one who reads your mail? i love when people wear period cloths, or have their own style that is nothing like what's popular.
well john you might like what i'm wearing to the wedding on saturday - i'm not big on 'fashion' so instead i'll be wearing a fabulous long 1930s evening gown (maybe glam house coat!) over a black dress. i picked it up from that secondhand store in canberra. course i think i already told you about that!
i remember getting the best present every for sis which was a bit of 'art stained glass' by a local glazier. we gave him artistic license to come up with something unique, and it was definitely that - kind of turned out like an abstract fox's head. there's a renowned art glass company here called the jam factory. i have massive respect for people who work with glass (that is, in the making-of and design).
tired now but i'll write more later (and will send you some pics tomorrow).
i remember seeing in the back ground of a picture (of a cat maybe) some stained glass tulips (maybe roses) hanging in the window at mum and dad's house. i'd like to see your 1930's dress. did you ever see pics of teeny in early 1900's wedding dress as ZOMBIE BRIDE?
yeah, we went overdrive on writing yesterday. totally understand a need for a break!
my staying up for 2 days so i could work out my sleep schedule backfired. i slept all day and woke up the hour i originally wanted to go back to sleep! honestly i'm doomed.
aw john that really sucks (about the sleep patterns). i imagine some of the things you're dealing with at the moment are to blame. mum's having similar problems.
the olds do have a 'stained glass' feature in the dining room that you would have seen, but that's actually a tacky example! just been on ebay getting some more glass! ugh, it's becoming an addiction (see on the right, a new photo box).
i'll send you a pic of the dress (perhaps being worn in a photo with the bride) and would love to see that pic of teeny!
we burn more text and pages now than when it was twice as many of us! neat pitcher! does it really sit like that? is there a beveled edge? i like that it's called ribbed atlas, sounds like a double entendre.
you're right, it does sound a bit dirty. it does sit like that, it's called a tilt jug! the base of it is on its side if you think of it like a normal jug. i just love it to death! someone over your way is selling a pink one for $125 US but i got two of these crystal/yellow coloured ones (genuine) for $30 US together. it's being sold by a woman in Quebec. there's a lot of 'cobalt blue' ones as well but that's not the colour i'm after.
i've seen some of the cheaper rip offs that have the ribs going the opposite direction, and they look nowhere near as nice! only problem after this trip is that i now need another cupboard to store/display everything!
so just pitchers, or bowls, drinking glasses plates too?
i like cobalt, i guess it's all in the context of things. teeny said something about really missing the club. i didn't ask her if she wanted to join back up (well, become active again) i was kinda hoping she would said it on her own. maybe she will, or maybe i'll bring it up next time. oh, she works in the music department of western kentucky university and brokered an acquisition of the entire Lis4L catalogue. so they all will be available for young minds to rip them. it was kinda scary giving away my last copies of 2 and 6, but now hopefully they will be around for a while longer.
holy crap john, that means i can't lose them like i lost lis4l vol 3 that time! that is great that she purchase them on behalf of the university. can you imagine the collection they already have?!
i think it would be great to have teeny back in when we get going again.
as for the glassware it's everything, though i must say mostly drinking apparatus (glasses, jugs). everything i collect has to be useable, i don't get it just for display!
no purchase, i donated them. (she says they have a real big collection). libraries and museums are funny that way. even if it's being donated they have to ask for it. one time the curator at the museum in louisville said he wanted a glass piece of mine, so even though i was gonna give it to them, i had to find a charitable member of the museum to donate it on their behalf, and then the board has to all agree on excepting it. it was a huge hassle and they ended up not excepting it. i just want to feel like they'll be someplace rather safe for awhile for future audiophiles to enjoy. although teeny says they have a problem with students borrowing music and keeping it. so i noted the rarest (vol.1,2,&6) and the head music guy may choose to make them in house only. that way kids could still bring in there laptops and steel the music while the discs remain safe. it sure was odd handing over a 6"x9" envelope that basically represents the last decade of my life.
you lost vol3? did you ever find it? i used to have a copy of 500/500 of all of them, and lost them (to a roommate, or roommate's boyfriend i think) yeah, we'll ask her in jan or something. i do remember her saying something like skool was very demanding this semester so she didn't have time anyway, or something.
that is pretty odd john, though makes sense. i think libraries rely on a lot of free things to have extensive collections, otherwise it would be too expensive for them.
i did lose volume 3 but ordered and got a second copy from you! so i have the cover for two but only one cd. i'm a shocker, but i took comfort that someone somewhere was being exposed to all that great music who may otherwise have lived their lives blissfully unaware of its existence.
every time i find a CD out there in the world i listen to it. i suppose you could burn a copy of 3 and put it in the lonely sleeve and give it to someone. (it's ok w/me!) teeny says they actually do have a large music collection and a fairly nice budget for music, but the head music buys crap. she says in last weeks bundle of purchases there was "the best of Captain and Tennille!" thats kinda why i offered to donate mine. there's a million 18-22 year old students and teeny says they all borrow music but the collection isn't their demographic. they got the head lady buying music for 50 year olds. she says that they end up ordering 'best of's all the time. i think teeny needs a raise and a new job description.
also the David Bowie Fan Club president is a french girl named Pascale, and she's been emailing me about the cd release, and it seems like she's real involved with music and getting people involved. i was thinking when we relaunch we could see if she would be interested?
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