Lunch at grandparents' place (Woodville, Adelaide - dad and mum!)

Me and Papa in north queensland with one of the deadliest snakes in the world (taipan - dead!)

Aunt Roz and Minnie (grandma) in a drinking session 1970s - fosters is beer of the devil

Me and older sis (around 1979)

oh, my heart strings. these photos are so great. it really is a wonderful thing to have a close loving family. thank you for putting these up (and i really like your hat in the woodville photo)!
ha ha, yeah!
you're talking about me hiding behind mum in the woodville photo? the one in the open next to dad (love the vest!) is sis. course i'm the one with the terry toweling hat in the last photo! apparently i used to love putting everything on my head, surprise surprise.
that last pic is in the exact spot i am sitting now, the dining room at mum and dad's house. they used to have all their photos stuck on the walls - i loved it but when it got into the 90s i think mum got a bit self-conscious about it and wanted something nicer looking. a lot had to be thrown away because we couldn't get them off.
p.s. i like your red hat too. why is the snake dead?
wow, cool pics! They give a good 70's feeling! Reminds me of pics I have from around that time. Except that I never saw my grandma or ma or aunt drink beer!! Cool that you shared these!
hey leo - i imagine you were a bit older at the time these were taken, like in your early teens maybe?! i have to say our whole family are keen drinkers, and actually the story goes that my grandma could drink most men under the table regardless of beverage. that says something about australians i think, we have a big drinking culture here often to our detriment.
as for the snake john, i am not sure how it died. i don't think anyone killed it though maybe that's what happened. i understood that they may have just found it dead. the property was surrounded by cane fields that were crawling with em!
went for a hot walk yesterday and expected to see some other varieties, but (thankfully) there were none to be seen. some whopping great spiders though, and one across the path so i had to turn bad! yeesh.
i meant 'turn back' by the way - you know i'm a vege and attempt to hurt as few things as i can! course i'm bad in other ways...
i don't remember the 70's! i have seen 2 or 3 pictures of me in the 1970's, but i was just a little one. i have seen some awesome pictures of me in embarrassing 80's attire!
i wasn't concerned that your daddy had anything to do about the snake's death, i just couldn't believe a little kid was so calm so close to that thing! i guess growing up there you get used to certain things (although i grew up around horses and i'm horrified around them. they are like giant dogs. i was chased by one once). i didn't figure you smashed the spider, but the wording was strange. i used to never squash spiders because they are hunting the other bugs, but a few years ago in the kitchen a brown recluse bit me (on the rump) so now i am suspicious of 'walking' spiders.
In 1979 I was 13 going on to 14. We were doing dia's (is that English?) a lot and pictures as well. Especially the pics all have that special colour on them, really 70's for some reason. I think my dad had transferred dia's to digital formats lately, if I get them I will put some up here.
no I was 12, going to 13 (it's early here sorry)
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