i'd like to be the first to welcome jeffrey lee puckett to the club! mr. puckett is a music editor in louisville, and a pretty wonderful person. if anyone has someone they think would make a good cd swap member, let us know. i still would like to have e.u., south america, african representation. really anywhere on the map would rule!
it's a transitional time here, so we haven't picked upcoming projects yet, so if anyone has an idea, please let us know!
at this point the active members are john,(louisville) cydde (australia), leo(netherlands), and now jeffrey! we have a few 'sometimes' members that may pop back up anytime:teeny(kentucky/japan) hank (italy) bj (louisville).
leo is on holiday until september, so for august we are just having a sender's choice. leo and cydde has sent lp's from bands from their home countris. i don't know yet what i'm doing, but i might do the same. i think i'll send a e.p.s from 2 bands that are fronted by the same man. (songs:ohia/electric magnolia co.). we need to pick what we are doing for september.
i have some idea's for some upcomming compo's.
-"fuck that band!" (bands we origannly ignored due to pre-concieved ideas). this is due to the conversation we were having about songs: ohia/electric magnolia co. cydde i remember you mentioning some bands you treated that way too. it would be a good one for new members to get started with.
-"high skool crush" songs that remind you of your first love/first heartaches. wev'e all been reminiscing lately about the good ol' days, first loves, first bands we really fell in love with. cydde with 'you am i' and jeffrey with the heart of saturday night. i have a freind that has been retracing her favorite bands from her teenage years and i think she's gonna join us for this particular project when we asign a month for it. maybe sep. or oct. after leo comes back and others are ready.
-"history". wev'e been talking about doing this one for a while. doing a cd on a style of music. cydde mentioned she'd like one on the history of metal. i asked some freinds that know metal to help, but no one got around to it. i would love to have one too, i could try but i really don't know that much.(anyone up to the task?)
i think i'd like to do one on garage rock. it's one of my favorite styles of music and every generation has offered some great garage bands, from the who, to jesus and the mary chain, from the 50's to today, in every basement across the world, garage rock is the most raw straight forward and honest rock there is, not hiding behind fancy effects and instruments to tell you that love will tear us apart!
also i think it would be good to stay current on new releases. talking about new lp's and bands making waves. maybe when one of us comes across a new release we can add it in with our monthly mixes and add a post about it so we can talk about it. and sometimes we can assign certain months for it.
and iv'e been working on a mix i call "destroy me" with songs about how someone has taken someone else's trust and totally destroyed them with it. songs that say all the things i'd like to say to my ex-fiancee. maybe i'll add it as a 2nd cd with "high skool crush" or if you all want to do one too, we can make it theme one month.
let me know what you guys think about these theme ideas, and if you have any, we'll add it to the list.
i'll put together an updated members address list and send it out in an email to everyone this week.
thanks and welcome jeffrey, and welcome home leo!
i'm going to throw my vote in for 'fuck that...' because my head is in that space at the moment. it's good to take this mood when it exists - an openness to things we might have been closed to for a long time. john, some months ago you suggested 'albums we should own but don't'. it's slightly different but i'm going to combine them for this, if everyone else is keen on the idea.
and a warm welcome jeffrey. just to avoid any confusion, i should say i am currently the only female member of the group (in spite of having a perceptibly male name). we hope you enjoy it as much as we do!
cydde, i'm gonna play the 'idiot male' card here, when i say it never crossed my mind that the male/female ratio was greatly tilted. oops. i;m sorry if your feeling the minority right now. we defiantly need more girls in all music aspects, and in the group too. my problem is that i don't know many people outside of louisville (iv'e spent my career focusing on it).and i think we have north america covered. there was a south american girl who for awhile sent emails to the 'louisville is for lovers site" maybe i should track her down. maybe leo knows someone somewhere in e.u. i wonder if he knows how much he is missed?
come to think of it, i know 2 Japanese female musicians that would really like i club like this. whenever i send them emails it tends to get tricky, not being versed in Japanese and vise versa. one went on tour with elliott as the photographer, i'll contact kevin from elliot and see if he has her info.
"fuck that band" sounds good to me. so thats for september? i hope leo is keeping some tabs on the page. and i think jeffery is reading the blogs, i sent him the sign up link so he can make his profile and post blogs. i think it might be nice to send jeffery and other new members copies of past swaps. i was proud of a couple of mine so i'd like him to have them.
so unless there's any objections the next homework assignment is "fuck that band"
and i'd say maybe wait on the web, so we all can work on them and send them around the same time. you might want to have a post on expaining it and all. or i guess you could send yours out first so we all can get the idea and send ours when ever they are done. i'm excited about it. i'll have to wait untill after zombie attack so i'll have time to get out all the vinyl and start reminicing. once at the bar i brought in a huge piece of paper and i wrote my name and a waitress wrote her name and since we had 'done it' we connected our names with a line. and we had everyone who walked into the bar put their name down and connected it with anyone else they had slept with. after 2 days there where about 1500 names, and all were connected in one way or another! yuk! it was amazing!
the first bit of this is out of left field - off lifl 4, jason loewenstein. i can tell by his voice he's the sebadoh version and i had no idea he was from louisville. can you confirm?
secondly, i don't mind being the only chick in the mix at this stage but of course welcome anyone else in. don't feel obliged on my account though john.
thirdly, i'm just going to say 'ew' about the web you drew at the bar!
fourthly, i might do a small drawing to upload over the weekend indicating the nature of the spider web. but people have different ways of exploring and connecting music so i'm not saying it'd be the only approach. like you i am looking forward to getting back to it so will have to scrounge through boxes and piles of crap to find the original working draft.
ol' jake loentsien. i rhink he was born here, he might be from somewhere north of here. he lived here and worked at the local record store for years. and dated a 'gallery singer' for a while. carrie, whom i sang with on 'when it's time for a change' and several others. she was in a great band called second story man. on louisville is for lovers 6 i think, the song is about their breif affiar and how it hurt. it always does. sebadoh and second story man went on tour together a few years back and when they returned jason's ex asked him to move to nyc
and give it another try and that was the last louisville has seen of him. i liked him a lot. he did a great song for louisv4lovers, i believe the first song released of his solo work. i think he has only released one solo record, maybe 2, but really a lot less than he should becouse it's very good stuff. the song he did for louis4lovers is about the ex. i could do a web just on louis4lovers musicians and it would probably include most bands i listen to today.
ew, on the web indeed. you know what they say, "when you sleep with someone, you sleep with everyone they have slept with", it's grosser when you actually see it drawn out in front of you.
i'd like more girls and boys in the club, and really most of the best mixes iv'e gotten in my life are from girls. but anyone with a love for music, boy or girl, works for me!
i'm excited on the web cydde! good luck!
Hey There, back home for a while already and i have a lot of reading to do!
Thanks for the CD's! I haven't listened to the Stones for a while and it was good to hear this nice girls compilation John, awesome job! Cydde, your CD is in my car as well, thanks a bunch!
Too bad Teeny stopped but that's how it goes. Good to know we have a new member here, welcome Jeffrey Lee! I read John was thinking of Ger Potze, he's actually from the Netherlands a friend of mine. Just before my holiday he gave a party and I saw one of those brown enveloppes from Louisville lying there and I told him about our CD swap club.
I was wondering maybe we can ask Kaori from Japan, she runs the Japanese Oldham site, she plays music and has good taste. Let me know if I shall ask her to join.
John; for your interest, I read that Candi Staton will release another album with a Will Oldham song and it forenow has the title "Get Your Hands Dirty".
i caught myself ginning with excitement the whole time i read your comment leo! i didn't realize how much our little group brightens my day until you and cydde were both gone on holiday. i didn't know what to do with my self. i'm so glad your back! (are you leaving again soon? i dunno if i can take it).
do you have pictures? did hennake and the fam have fun?
yeah cydde and i brewed up a lot in your absence. September's theme: 'fuck that band!' and a little audio inspired visual image gallery at the bottom of the page,
and a new member! jeffrey lee! he is a good man.
funny thing that ger is a friend of yours! small world. i thought germany, i dunno why. i sent him a few emails, he hasn't replied yet. thats great you recognized my envelope! iv'e been using the same ones since the beginning! i always hoped people would catch on to my traditional packaging. (i even used to tie twine on them).
i think Kaori would be great! cydde and i mused about finding a japanese member and a girl member, so .....perfect!
that would make a nice team. so you'll send her a note?
i looked around for info on the candy staton album and found a weird explanation of the song:
"Oldham uses the expression laying of hands in three different ways in this story of love, abuse, and redemption. Staton sings the lyrics about a man whose hands bring her the pleasures of love but then were used to hit her with a spirited voice. Then she elevates the passion. Staton croons that she pities the man that beat her and prays for his soul as she thanks God for his grace. She has been touched by the gentle loving hands of the Lord."
i can't tell by that if it is the same song? do you think she owns a copy of vol.8? it's truly amazing how connected we are! you knowing ger and seeing my letter at his house! small world indeed!
welcome home my friend! you were truly missed.
john that description sounds to me like 'his hands' off little lost blues. on that it's just will singing by himself, and it's a cover of a candi staton song from some time ago. i sing that song a lot and love listening to it. it goes:
there were a lot of things in his touch, sometimes the slightest whisper could hurt so much. i could feel him coming nearer, his little noises and such. and then my man would lay his hands on me. he might touch me the way a man should sometimes, bring me to passions that only he could. answer some earthly need whenever he would, when my man would lay his hands on me. all the kindness and protection, the tenderness and the care. when he was happy, goodness me! but then when he was scared, his hands they took on a life undead - they were vicious and they were small, but big enough to keep this woman's back against the wall. lord i didn't ask for it, not the love or anything else. not the years spent in the world of a man that only loved himself. i didn't ask for it, but god it is mine now - those hands are in my mind and soul, but lord it's you and me that make their power. and i will pity that beautiful man, and lord i will bless his path. we were both just wounded children in a love that, thank god, didn't last. there's a lot of things in, lord, your touch. sometimes your slightest whisper moves me so much. your grace and your forgiveness, the whole world and such - when you, you lay your hands on me. yes when you, lord, rest your gentle hands on me.
seems perhaps candi might be doing the reverse for will and covering the song he did for lifl 8!! what a compliment to you in a sense...
and welcome back leo, we did indeed miss you. hope the holiday was fabulous, you got a safe tan and feel rested. can't wait to see some pics!
welcome laura! i think we need to put high skool crush on the list for october, it is a great idea.
i hope you enjoy reading over the other material here. john suggested that we put together a package of the past compos we have done for new members, so we'll wait to get contact details to send them.
i'm sure you'll enjoy it here!
this is laura. i mentioned in a post that she wanted to participate in 'high skool crush'
it's 2 months away at least, but it'll just give us all good amount of time to catch up with her!
we can put it down for oct. usually we all ok themes, and as long as jeffrey and leo are ok with sept and october being slated as such, i am too.
also, does anyone know anything about MOG. it's an online music discussion network much like facebook/myspace but for just music, that i stumbled on while reading the 'portastatic' blogspot page. (portastatic is the name mac from superchunk uses for his solo work. he also seems like an avid blogger too. dang). i can't really get a good read on it, but i'm interested. i think they might review and screen applicants which is kinda weird, but i'm not sure.
wow, another member, welcome Laura!
Do I still have to send a note to Kaori?
And it's a small world after all, your enveloppes DO work John, I recognize them all the time between the other post here and at others' home!
To be precise about the Oldham/Staton song. The words you found about the song is indeed about His Hands, Will wrote that for Candi too and it became the title song of that CD and it seems the same thing is going to happen again. The demo version for Candi is available through iTunes and on Little Lost Blues.
I haven't heard about MOG but wil check it out soon.
Fuck That Band is okay with me too, I have to dig which bands I rejected before hand and now like, but that's a nice search!
laura is wants to do 'high skool crush' with us. a 'guest author' if you will. for that project we will send her our mixes. please invite kaori for us.and you can send her an invite for this site through the 'permissions' section. and i'll send jeffrey an email directing him to this site.
and as soon as my computer is back together i'll send an updated mailing list.
so will wrote the title track for 2 cd's of hers? i'll itunes her and see what happening.
it's pretty neat!
fuck that band sounds good. it'll be interesting to go through the collection and recall which bands/records I dismissed but grew to like.
i'll tell ya right now that the new Jonas Brothers tops the list. all right, now first clean up that soda you just spit out, and then try and imagine a middle-school version of cheap trick or big star.
i'll make copies, cause i know that no one wants to buy it.
isn't that the band that's also a disney t.v. show? i have never heard them, but have seen part of an episode where climbed a fence to evade some girls. i always liked the hansen hit, um bop? and i do own 2 spice girls cds. the sg movie soundtrack was great! pop, jazz pop, it had everything!
spice girls and hanson? oh boy...
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