sound as ever has not been their most acclaimed album though it has some standout songs - it was produced by lee ranaldo. partly because of my nostalgia i prefer this album and more importantly their second - hi-fi way. down the track i will put that in for good measure. john, is the long-player the one that reminded you of songs:ohia? tim rogers i know used to be very self-conscious about his voice - i think it did improve over the course of time, in that he was able to do more with it. certainly, though, their music has never been complex which is what makes a lot of it so good. no one has ever sounded like these guys so they maintain their special place.
thinking about the music web though, i can even link you am i to pajo in less than six degrees! the diagram will accompany september's yet to be determined compo.
thank you for putting up a new post about your august cd! i havent stopped listening to your july (some girls and a boy) cd since i got it! i havent even taken it out of the disc drive, so i haven't listened to the you am i disc yet. i love the comp! that mogwi song is great! and it usually takes me a while to get into singer/songwriters, but the pregnant conversation is great! and 2 of my favorite songs of all time, deanna and trudy dies! oh deanna! i love it. there is a regular at the bar named deanna, and i sing it to her everytime she comes in!
and horse stories is one of my favorite lp's of all time, and strangley i don't have anything else by the dirty three, so if you have any fav's, please send it!
oh, and arab strap is one of the bands i never gave a chance, but i think that song is great! that would be a good canidate for a theme called 'fuck that band!' about bands we originally didn't give the time of day and later really got into.(magnolia electric co. being one).
i hope things are good for you today cydde! and i hope leo is well, when is he coming back? i can't wait to get a new theme ready and see what we all come up with!
p.s. the mix cd you has the feel of songs;ohia. i will send my songs;ohia/electric magnolia co. mix out. i don't know much about them and just got 2 e.p.s from a friend. when they first came out i refused to listen to them becouse i thought they were ripping off will oldham. as a freind of his i wasn't gonna condone that behavior. now, years later, i heard a few songs and identified with it. so if anyone likes this band and wants to steer me to some of there l.p.'s or gimmie some background info on it, please do!
dan kelly, writer and singer of pregnant conversation, reminds me a fair bit of you john. he has fabulous talent but not always in use. by this i mean that you haven't put whole albums out or toured (that i know of!). the alpha males broke up after their second record and now dan is only really playing small local shows around melbourne and gigs with his famous uncle, paul kelly.
his voice is angelic and i have a thing for his funny eye! in pursuit of trying to find out what he was up to, i discovered some fantastic artists in melbourne. they produce works under the name noferin and you can check out their website here. i am custodian of the original that is the bottom of the three links on this page. it's kind of cutesy in a way but the original works of theirs i now have bring light and joy into life. it's remarkable how art of all kinds (including music) can do that.
cydde, it's pretty amazing that you mentioned this visual art u found while searching out a musical artist(it's great stuff btw, reminds me of the artwork for mmj's z), beacouse i had just put up that photo of the birds on the power lines. i was looking for a photo of songs:ohia to put on the post and came across this pic a girl put on her website with a caption that read "i saw this and thought of songs:ohia" i could see what she ment, so i used that pic instead of one of the band. it happens alot, i'll hear music and see colors or shapes. or see something that reminds me of a song or band or style of music. i'll write a song and see the feeling of the song. and you put that great pic of you in the snow and said it reminded you of a song (please tell me what song!! i try to guess but can't think of anything. help before my brain explodes).
so all these sound/visual references gave me an idea for a project. so at the bottom of the page i opened a new window for pics. whenever one of us comes across an image that reminds us of a song/band/sound of any sort, add it to the group. (everyone is encouraged to be a part of this. if you need help figuring out how to add it, please just ask it's just like adding a pic to your myspace page). i started it off by adding a photograph and painting that really inspired me to write music through the years. i added a little synopsis to each explaining the reason/feeling. go nuts! have fun!
also cydde, i had a thought a while back about something you said (i think) about feeling like Australian music being much different from u.s. music, iv'e been scanning old posts trying to find it but can't. do you know what/where i'm referring to?
(like always i wrote a post and realized i forgot something. i realize my posts are long as hell, but i don't have much of a social life. thanks for the patience and understanding).
when getting the 'gadget' to plug in for the new sound of vision window, i looked through the list of gadgets we can plug into the page. i had no idea there are over 5,000 gadgets available! we have gadgets on the page to list past posts, club member profiles, and show pictures,but there is everything from clocks and calenders, news updates and video clips, to video games and satellite feeds from space, and even nudie pics and streaming porno videos! i couldn't believe it! and all of it is developed and available from google! crazy! so i added 2 new gadgets to our page, a youtube search window (just type in what your looking for and it will play right there on our page!) and a google music search window. this one isn't as easy to use. it's to find mp3's but it's not as easy as it could be. (sometimes it's smooth, other times it's confusing). we'll give them both a try, and if they turn out to be useful great! otherwise we can swap it out for a '1950's pin up girl updated hourly'! (or 4,999 other gadgets)!
i've been meaning to ask, what made your crush end after your sis stood behind andy kynt? was he a dick?
because he was shorter than her, and she's shorter than me. must say i'm a fan of tall men (at least taller than i am at 171cm). i also realised by then that he was a bit of a goober - my taste when it came to 'real men' was completely different.
i'm with ya on that. men do not need to goofy gum balls. they could made of marble lined with good intentions. offer safety and support, without being cold, and not be ashamed of being manly.
it's interesting how often i imagine people that i look up to, so i guess i assume they are taller than me, (because hight symbolizes power maybe) and they turn out to be short. steve albini, dave pajo.
i don't know how many cm i am, i wonder if your taller than me? i'll do some conversion and let u know.
me= 177.8 cm
you=67.3 in
that's a big relief to know you ain't shorter than me john - you seem to be fairly close to 6ft. i think i'm about 5ft 10in in the old language. blokes i've been with have been around the 6ft 3 or 4in mark and lanky.
agreed about looking up to people too as far as height goes, that's probably what did it for me with andy kent. though i'm still a fan of bass because of him - he has some killer lines in quite a few of their songs - more on hi-fi way which i will share down the track. i have an electric blue bass myself but do it no justice whatsoever - NONE!
i need a teacher.
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