this month has gotten away from me. it's half over already and we haven't picked a swap idea. and also i have kinda confused myself by sending last month's swap to people at different times and now i can't remember who i haven't sent to yet and who got what.
and i think we all could use a bit of catching up. so i suggest we just look toward June as our next swap time so we all can pick a theme, and have plenty of time to prepare.
it will also give me time to send out my Lucero mix to anyone who wants it, and my follow up,
a dacade of Damien Jurado, to anyone who might want it too. just leave a note here and i will get it out to you!
but our first order is to pick a JUNE THEME.
i liked Martin's idea of working on a feeling or moment in time. one idea was to do an all Live mix. also we had a good time on the "gambette!"/ "heart in the belt"
pick yourself up mix last year, maybe we could pick another such feeling like "goodbye music" or "wanting to wallow" mix.
so let me know what you think and we'll post JUNE"S THEME soon so we'll have plenty of time to dig in.
-welcome back cydde!