i have just purchased a ticket to go to the All Tomorrow's Parties show in sydney on 17 january being curated by nick cave & the bad seeds - if i'm honest, mostly to see the Dirty Three play Ocean Songs from cover to cover... course there are plenty of other good bands showing up, and it's on an old ship-building island in sydney harbour (cockatoo island).
crazy or what?!
ATP has really exploded. i am always impressed with the integrity of the festival and love the don't look back series, but looking at their site they now have so many off shoots, the audience strikes back, nightmare before christmas, i'm not sure what to think. it reminds me of lebowskifest. i thought it was a great idea when it came out, but when they started having fests all over the place it just felt like a little greedy. i don't know really, if it's consistently good work, than is it ok to milk the cow to the last drop? if it's any coincidence, their hasn't been an ATP i didn't want to see.
now, it's truth time. cydde, right after i got your oct. package my cleaning girl organized the thousands of cd's on my floor, and i can't find your mix, but i am looking forward to hearing it when it unearths. the 2 moilna cds you sent i can't stop listening to.
and leo i haven't received your package yet, i hope it's not lost.
i hope by now my package has shown up. for many many reasons, my mix is not what i intended, but i am very happy with the results. i bought a vinyl to mp3 record player so i could put together my collection of 7'' from high skool. but it didn't work and i sent it back to be fixed and they have never returned it. and then i lost my job, got bronchitis, and feverishly tried to get the ziggy record together on time.
but i decided to focus on the one band i loved for all of m high skool and college years. a band that helped me through the confusing times of heartache.
my first real love loved superchunk and so did i. many of their songs became the soundtrack to our relationship. and the singer and bass player where the biggest indi couple of their day, and when she left him, everyone mourned, and thought the band was over. but one year later superchunk released 'foolish' sans the bass player which was a wild success. it was the ultimate break up record. and knowing that all the words came from the heart made it an instant work of non-fiction. once i started going through superchunk songs for this mix, it flooded my mind with all the highs and lows of my first encounters with love (and love lost). i kinda lost control and purchased (via itunes store) every superchunk song released from their inception in 1989 until 1995 when many fans feel the band had changed direction. it was really hard trying to fit all my favorites on one disc, i did a lot of math, swapping songs in and out to get all of the 80 min. worth of the cdr.
unfortunately the albums i want to use for nov. are on vinyl as well, so either i itunes it up agian or hold a protest in front of the crosley phonograph headquarters.
PROTEST! those fascist fucks.
i hope when you eventually find october that you like it john. not sure what the others thought, but it's all personal and a way of telling your story. i hope it'll be a pleasant surprise that itself brings back some memories.
i never got into superchunk though i had a friend who did enjoy some of their music. i am very much looking forward to getting it john like the molina work. every time i get in the car at the moment, the only disc i have on is that stuff i downloaded of his solo work off the secretly canadian website. if i'm honest i have also not done november yet though i intend to do it over the coming weekend when its going to be raining. i know exactly what my guilty pleasure contribution is, but still trying to work through the other one or two (comfort and listen from start to finish, which i think will be the same album).
as for ATP, you know i loved the scientists and to a lesser extent sonic youth earlier in the year, and that was part of don't look back. that really is the only reason i want to go to this one - i won't include it for november, but there's just something about ocean songs that is like a lightning bolt to my heart (but in a warm and soothing way if that makes sense). it's electric power but comforting - like what i expect true love to be.
i would love it if you included ocean songs in my envelope. i think i mentioned before that horse stories is one of my favorites, and yet don't have anything else by them. and i suppose people feel that ocean songs is their top performance, i can't imagine anything better than horse stories, we'll see i guess.
i'll do ocean songs for you john.
i wanted to ask whether you got your own copy of the pyramid electric co or burnt the one you got me (thank you!). it reminds me more of the songs:ohia than magnolia electric co. having now listened to a lot of his stuff (and by no means the majority of it) i think even more how unfair it was of critics to compare him to will oldham. there's no doubt he has his own distinct voice, composition and content. it's unmistakeable for anyone else.
i haven't let listened to the superchunk compo - that will be for this arvo as i continue to clean.
i'm again a bit behind for november but have done the 'guilty pleasure' and considering the second one to include (which will probably double as 'listen to the end' and total comfort).
i hope all are well out there and ziggy is on track!
cydde i decided to look at your healthcare site, your an important person! i am not at all surprised, but your so modest i didn't know till now. i got the vinyl copy of pyramid electric co. for myself (this was when i was still employed and had money to burn!). i used to think he was taking will's sound, but now that i've become familiar with his music (also not at all the majority) i am taking back my original thoughts about him.
he said he wrote that record when he wrote songs: ohia's magnolia electric co. lp, and they were supposed to be released together, but the record co. wanted to separate them.
i hope you guys like superchunk, when i hear it, it takes me back to my love stricken youth so i can't objectively disect it. i do know the sound is dated, it's painfully early nineties love punk. their early work is noticeably inspired by motorhead, and the misfits, but soon they carved out their own fingerprint.
has anyone perused the 'bass babes chronological encyclopedia' yet?
ha ha, yes john, very important! it's funny working for such a small place when i'm used to much larger. at least they are a good group which makes it worthwhile.
i did look through the bass babes site. i remember wanting to be like that (like when i saw L7 and babes in toyland videos on rage) but knowing i never could. i don't think there are any iconic female bass players in australia. i have one of my own but have never learnt to play properly.
as for molina, i agree wholeheartedly. i listened to the superchunk and you are right, it does ring of that era, i really enjoyed it. i recognised a few of the songs from when i used to listen to the radio (now i can't stand it!). i understand why it would make you heady with your youth, and agree about the motorhead references. maybe i need to listen to some of their later stuff to hear the sound they made for themselves. i'll ask my friend when we're drinking tomorrow night about her memories of superchunk.
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