ok gang let's get a november theme together. one theory that sticks out is jeffrey's idea "bands we like that just disappeared into the night" another one i really like is one that jeffrey and cydde kinda came up with together of doing 3 full albums under related themes. if someone could remind me exactly what the theme was for that one.
if anyone is too busy to participate right now just let us know and maybe we can get some visiting contributers. there are audiophiles out there ready to join the conversation. and really, it's no big deal, and we won't take it personally. if you need some time to catch up on other things in your life, you can come back anytime. promise.
so, let's toss around some themes and get some good winter music together! and really, if anyone needs a break, it is no problem. also, if anyone knows someone out there in some nation that needs a hobby, let us know.
happy near halloween you guys!
i'll quote directly from the three themes jeffrey mentioned and would support the 'three disc' november.
"how about "comfort records," the ones we go to when some girl has wrecked us or the blues have come down like a thunderstorm. for me, these are records that transcend everything. they're bigger than life.
or "most embarrassing record you love," which generally takes you back to grade school or teen years. candidates for me: "starcastle" (don't ask) or maybe rush's "2112."
this last one is a little more esoteric, but what about "records you can't help but listen to all the way through once you start it"? if i listen to the first track of richard buckner's "devotion and doubt," i ain't going anywhere for the next 35 minutes."
in other news, the november winds here mean WARM! yeah.
i love the name: three disc november.
i also liked 'the band that was great and then disappeared'. also i think we should come up with a special something for december. i don't know what. maybe a 'best of '08' well, thats more a january thing i guess. well let's think on maybe a fun festive december thing (it's the 1 year anniversary) we still have plenty of time to think up something, for now we need to pick something for november? cydde, what would you like to do?
warm november winds. lucky girl.
oops, it's late here and i'm very tired. cydde you did say you support the 3 disc november. i'll back that up, and i assume jeffrey is fine with it since he came up with it, so unless leo has an issue with it we have our homework!
you say 'lucky girl' john but i know you like the cold winds! i do too but have had enough of them for the year.
yep, i am supporting three disc november, and will get onto thinking about december ideas. jeffrey, leo, ideas?
ps john, would have loved you to ask molina if he was planning a southern sojourn sometime!
i don't think he's heading out of the states for the rest of the year, but he says he is on the road 250 days a year. his new record is called 'sojourner' though. it's a 5 disc album, very impressive undertaking, though i imagine at $40, it keeps a lot of fans (like me) from getting to hear it.
i guess it's just you and me right now cydde, so we'll plan to 3 disc november each other for now and see if the others check in.
oh, what's your thoughts on me adding a note about icds in the louisville is for lovers november newsletter? or should we try to keep more control on who we ask? i actually would like to be able to choose who we ask, but i am running out of people to ask.
i reckon you could put it in the lifl newsletter because you're not bound to let them in. just make sure you don't put this website in it!! they could start stalking us if we don't let them in!!! ha ha.
still hope there'll be news from leo and jeffrey, though i know they have full lives otherwise. it's for the love of the music...
jesus! that animal collective cover is crazy! how is that happening? that is so scary.
i hope it didn't do anything to your cornea! i didn't think about that enough when i posted it. i'd say it has something to do with the colours and how the shapes line up. it gives me a headache if i look at it too long!
i don't know if you'd be interested but i've been awol because i've been looking for native orchids in the bush. there's something i can't describe about finding these little gems in amongst dull looking grass, that are so unusual and beautiful. it's a good distraction to eat up several hours - in this case the whole weekend! it's like being a collector of something and searching all over to find new things to add to it.
quite odd, i know.
Hey guys,
sorry for my low input, it has been busy here and i had to cut off a few things. But i'm still a happy swapper! I sent out my October disc last monday, so it's on it's way for a week now. It could take long before it comes to you because the evening after I gave it at the postoffice I remembered that there was no "priority" sticker on it. So it might coemt o you by boat and that can take weeks!
So what is the November theme? three discs? I don't know if I can manage that...
And December? Something with X-mas songs you don't play at X-mas?
g'day leo! great to see you here again.
i think the idea of the three disc november is not to do compilations, so in some ways to make it easier. each of the three would be an album on its own. so 1 - comfort record; 2 - shame/guilty pleasure record; 3 - listen from start to finish record.
as for december, i'm trying to think of what you mean - as in real xmas songs you listen to at other times of the year? or songs we associate with xmas even if they have nothing to do with it. all i can think of is jingle bell rock! just discovered a very odd range of musicians have done versions, including hall & oates, billy idol and arcade fire! hmm...
Howdy! Thanks for clearing the three disc thing up. Still I think three is a lot, can't we spread it a bit?
And with the Xmas theme, it can be lyricwise, like that song "hang myself from the tree" or soundwise different than you normally hear Xmas songs. Like the examples you gave. Anyway, it's just an idea. Shoot on it!
And I like the idea for January; best of 2008 (and discovered in 2008?).
how does it sound if we do two of the discs for november (1 and 2) and do the 'inferred xmas songs' (that's a challenge, nice one leo) along with number 3? so two discs in november and two in december?
as for the xmas songs, well, john what do you think? can you wrap your head around it? jeffrey? i think i get what you're talking about leo and it would be really interesting to see what comes from it. i am imagining several different interpretations of the theme on the one compilation, so it really could be a mix.
it's been one hell of a week, or month rather. i've gotten very behind on everything. my thoughts if i had to say, is let's go with 3 disc november with the understanding that we can decide to do one, two, or all three themes if we want. some of us might not have time or an idea for all three, so there's no pressure, and later on if we want we can add in a disc to our other themes. myself, i have some good ideas for 2 themes, so i may just do those, but i may come up with something good for the third (guilty pleasure).
november and december are busy months for me, but i always listen to music so i'm sure i can think of something.
for december, to be honest, i'm not feeling the christmas theme, it's just i don't think about christmas, my family didn't even celebrate it until my sisters had children. i don't think i could come up with anything. but if we decide to do it, i'll give it my best. i was thinking about maybe doing a 'best of' in dec. maybe we could think about it some more, toss around a few ideas perhaps?
okay no christmas theme than, although in the end it has little to do with Xmas. I don't give anything for Xmas as well so that's why I came up with the sort of anti Xmas theme. But anything else is good as well, let me know what it will be.
i'm down for either idea, seeing as how I already have the records picked. the September mix was a problem for me. my heart and head has been so messed up over a situation from earlier this year that I was unable to have any fun with a high school crush mix. also,I couldn't remember back that far. plus, I didn't have any girlfriends in high school. I might borrow john's method of making a healing mix applicable to the present and send it out with the three disc november records.
guess i should have read all the way down. so it's three (or two) disc november for sure, and i'll be mailing those soon.
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