portastatic bonus tracks here
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Friday, September 26, 2008
I finally mailed the September CD. Sorry it took so long. Because I know that no one actually wanted to hear the Jonas Brothers, i fudged on the concept just a little for the sake of spreading good music. I picked The National, a band that i didn't hate at first but i was pretty underwhelmed. but then they put out an EP called "Cherry Tree" and it totally turned me around. So i put "Cherry Tree" and the band's latest, "Boxer," on one disc. It should arrive mid-week.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
ike beats louisville silly

i've never heard of a hurricane destroying a city that wasn't in a coastal state. we are over a thousand miles from the texas coast. but on sunday hurricane Ike's winds rolled into town and beat the living hell out of us. the governor declared a state of emergency hours after the storm hit. the tree in the pic fell minutes after i rode threw there (rushing home on the bike in 75 mile an hour winds). after 4 days 300,000 louisvillians are still without power. i just got mine back at 9pm tonite. and i think it's only because there's a children's skool on my block. my father lives a block away and he was told it would be at least 10 more days before he gets his restored. all the electricians went down to texas to help. i can't believe they went down before the storm was over. there are limited recourses here and the city is restoring the rich neighborhoods first. in louisville the rich live in the east, and the poor in the west. last night i rode over to the hills of southern indiana and looked at the louisville skyline. the east was glowing and the west was absolutely dark.
the city is empty on fuel, iv'e seen people beating each other at petrol stations for a single drop. people stay up sitting on their stoops guarding their homes from looters. it's wild. i just ran off two rednecks in a truck full of scrap metal eyeing my motorcycle.
it's been a hell of a week. iv'e spent nite after nite in the dark with the kitty. she knew something was wrong too. she actually listened to me during the black out, now that it's back, she's back to ignoring my rules. good girl! it's pushed the ziggy record back (agian) and the recording studio is still without power. it's gonna be headache getting this thing back on line. but i'm determined.
iv'e got a weeks worth of emails to get into,and a fridge full of spoiled food to throw out, but i wanted to jump on here and let everyone know i'm ok. i haven't heard from jeffrey, i know he lives in german town which is mostly without power. i'm sure his doing ok.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
falling down, and supplemental emoticons
the barely 2 months we get of fall in louisville is the best 2 months all year. there's a feeling in the air, and for the first time all year, everyone feels all right for awhile. and everyone pines for love lost and better times long behind us. October's mix is gonna take us all on a trip into the past, some good times and some that still sting.
this month's theme holds some of that nostalgia for me as well. i have sent you all a pre-swap CD because my september swap is a 2 cd album released today and i wanted to get familiar with it before i send it. it's a rare and unreleased compilation spanning 15 years of portastatic, which is the solo work of Superchunck frontman MAC MCCAUGHAN. i was a super fan in high skool of superchunk and was pissed that he decided to release his own records thinking he would keep the best stuff for himself and hold out on the band. it wasn't till years later i realized some things were too personal, and needed to stay close. also his long time girlfriend was the superchunk bass player, and when she left him, his solo work began. it served more as an audio diary to work out his feelings than ultra refined music. it has a readiness about it. it's raw for sure, which holds an innocence about it. (mccaughan is a fellow blogger in this system, he uses portastatic as his blog name aswell. click here to check it out).
we'll see how i feel about it now.it's been years since iv'e heard portastatic or superchunk. it does have a version of 'skinny glasses girl', an indie hit of sorts, which may make it onto octobers mix.
as for the supplemental CD, which will be hitting your doorstep anytime now, is a mix i dubbed "destroy me" that i put together of songs that said how i feel about the end of my relationship. some songs are from the side of the heartbroken (me) and some on the side of the heartbreaker (not me). i even color coded the track list and added a list key outlining which songs are which, but it's obvious i'm sure. ironically most of the tracks on there came from mixes old girlfriends gave me. what goes around, eh?
really this mix helped me hurdle the last great barriers in my way to moving on. much in the way the gambette mix helped me start the healing process (thanks leo). i just thought you guys would like it, it doesn't have much to do with the theme besides having 4 songs from songs:ohia/electric magnolia co. a band that i hated with honor when they first came out, now i joyfully cry along to their heartbreaking ballads with pride. this band was what spawned this month's theme, and i was going to use them, but i sent cydde some of their e.p.'s (extra curricular trading, which is totally encouraged) and figured you are already familiar with them. if for nothing else, 'destroy me' mix is a good soundtrack for night driving to nowhere in particular. your 2nd package should be sent out next week.
i hope your summer ends well, and your autumn is even better (except for cydde who's done with fall, and winter for that matter).
No addresses
I've just realized that I don't have everyone's mailing address, which means you won't be getting your Jonas Bothers record.
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