i met him once when i was 19. it was during the 'orange' tour(his best work in my mind). my girlfriend at the time hit on him while we were talking and i was pissed and blurted out that he was married to one of the hostest women in the biz, christina martinez, and he said "yes i am". and that was that.
blues explosion was amazing untill 'plastic fang', conterversual negro was recorded just in time, right after orange was released, as this band was amazing live. it was turned down by their label due to the title, and the band refused to change it, but leaked the hell out of it and eventually printed some copies as tour suport.
-any early recordings of the blues explosion would be rad.
-i loved the hevy trash cd. it seemed the best hooks were taken striaght from the cramps songbook, but i didn't seem to mind.
-boss hog's cold feet is an amazing lp.